社评 1228 祝贺休斯敦市长惠特迈新官上任

德州参议员老牌政治家惠特迈即将就任美国第四大城休斯敦市长一职, 也是他走向政治旅途之高峯。
近二年多前 ,他来到我们社区告诉大家他要竞选市长, 希望得到国际华亚裔之支持, 他最主要的政见是要改善社会恶化中之治安, 并誓言在他就任后之最重要施政方针。 事实上,在他参议员任内已经是司法委员会重要委员 。
在多次之交往之中, 我们透过政见发表会餐会及各项募款集会, 和他的团队进行了非常密切之接触 ,并深入地瞭解他的政纲和施政计划。
我们屡次在建言中, 除了改善治安之外, 希望他的市府成立一个经济特区部门 ,大力协助全世界工商界人士前来休斯敦投资创业, 全力配合投资者解决法律会计土地及其他手续 ,為本市之经济繁荣增加就业机会。
新人新政 ,我们非常兴奋而且盼望和新市长共同為休斯敦市未来之前途而努力。
Congratulations To Houston's New Mayor Whitmire On Taking Office
Texas State Senator John Whitmire is about to take office as the new mayor of Houston, the fourth largest city in America, which, at the same time, marks a political milestone for him as well as representing a high point of his political journey.
More than two years ago he came to our community to announce to everyone that he was going to run for the office of mayor of Houston, hoping to get support from our international community. His main political agenda was to improve public safety.
Over the last several months we have had very close contact with his team through many public gatherings, dinners, fund-raising events and TV debates.
We also have made many suggestions to him including the setting up of an economic zone in the city to assist business people from all over the world to invest in Houston, while attracting investors to fully reach their economic goals in Houston.
We are so very excited and look forward to working with the new mayor for the future of our city.