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社评0122 达拉斯华亚裔之骄傲

社评0122 达拉斯华亚裔之骄傲


週六晚上在达拉斯菲里斯凯悦大酒店参加了达拉斯美中商会举办的龙年新春晚会,令人十分振奋和感动。 这家耗资数亿美元之豪华大酒店和巨大商城是由韩裔独资兴建, 并且已成為达拉斯地区之重要地產指标。

当晚之大会有近千人参加,几乎所有当地之政要都已出席, 并且邀请到上届参加民主党总统提名竞选的华裔候选人杨安泽作了主题演说。 他呼吁大家必须去投票来彰显我们的力量, 只有团结才能争取到更多的权利, 他鼓励大家要多為社会慈善尽力。

晚会上十多位政要分别向华亚裔恭贺春节, 他们认為大达拉斯地区之多元族裔是我们推动社区繁荣之最重要力量。

我们深深体会和见証到华亚裔在当地之经济实力和贡献, 一位参加晚会和我隣座的电脑公司老闆非常感慨地表示, 我们用自己的所学技能,长期在此贡献和发展, 却如何还会受到歧视,这是非常不公平和遗憾的事。

在冷风中我走出了这座华丽之酒店, 内心充满了感触, 这个国家和土地都是我们共同建造的。

he Pride Of Asians In Dallas

Last Saturday we participated in a Lunar New Year Gala to welcome the Year of the Dragon held by the Dallas U.S.- China Chamber Of Commerce at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas. It was a very touching and exciting occasion. This luxury hotel and shopping mall was built by an Asian American businessman. It has become one of the most successful projects in the Dallas area. 

Nearly one thousand people attended the gala and almost all of the local politicians and leaders participated and delivered new year messages to the Dallas Chinese and Asian community. Andrew Yang, a prominent Chinese American politician and former Democratic presidential  primary candidate, was the keynote speaker. He called on everyone to go out and vote to show our strength. Only in unity we can win our rights.