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社评0125 川普重返白宫之路又近一步

社评0125  川普重返白宫之路又近一步


尽管官司纒身,前总统川普在新罕布什尔州初选中获胜, 為他成為共和党总统候选人几成定局。 如果他在十一月大选中击败民主党之拜登总统, 这对世界局势尤其是中美臺关係带来新的局面。

川普在主张美国第一之政治号召下, 他主张美国要大力开採石油去还债。 他说:“我们必须退出许多多边国际组织, 更无意派兵成為世界警察, 并主张对世界所有国家徵收至少百分之十以上之贸易关税, 并且要求包括北约、 日韩增加军费减轻美国之负担。”

川普之出身和政治主张与拜登相比可谓是南辕北辙, 包括目前战火还在进行中的乌克兰及加萨走廊, 如果他重返执政 ,可能会有许多大动作。

中美臺关係也极可能有重大变化, 从俄乌之战看来 ,美国和盟邦是不可能出兵 ,这对臺湾是一个非常重要的警讯。 换言之, 包括川普在内决不会派兵防卫臺湾。

今年美国十一月份之大选必将是牵动全球局势之大事, 全世界都在拭目以待。

Trump's Return To The White House Is One Step Closer

Former President Trump’s victory in New Hampshire makes him much stronger on the national scene and now the most credible Republican presidential candidate. If Trump defeats President Biden in the November election, his presidency will affect critical situations around the world including the Sino-US relationship and the Taiwan-China relationship. Trump’s American First program will lead him to advocate that the United States should vigorously exploit oil to pay off the country's national debt. Trump has said that he wants to put at least a 10% import tax on all countries. Additionally, he will ask for our allies to pay for military spending to reduce the payment burden of our nation. 

The China-U.S and Taiwan relationship will also likely change significantly. It is impossible that the U.S. will send ground troops to protect Taiwan in case China wants to take over. 

The 2024 U.S. presidential election will definitely affect the future of the entire world.