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社评0214 各族社区领袖和环球第一银行共度春节

社评0214  各族社区领袖和环球第一银行共度春节


环球第一银行週一在美南电视环球剧场举行春节团拜大会, 一百餘位华亚裔及国际人士共聚一堂, 共同迎接龙年之到来。

环球第一银行腔股公司旗下之教堂山银行不到一年时间收支平衡, 业务鼎盛 ,主要是银行股东及董事涵盖各族裔国际人士,  并且皆是事业有成之工商界领袖。

今午参加之贵宾是我们多年来之好友, 他们对於环球第一银行寄予高度期望, 希望為社区之发展共同努力。

正在兴建中之银行大楼 ,目前已经完成了整地工程, 并将於下週开始安装铁庄工程, 预计七月下旬可以完成上樑及围墙工程, 一切都在顺利进行中。

银行开业以来, 已经吸引大批来自中国大陆、 越南、 台湾、 尼伯尔 、菲律宾及主流社区之客户, 他们对於以客為尊之服务态度十分欣赏 ,也是我们成功之原因。

今天我们打开银行大门, 无论您从事任何行业,都是我们合作及服务之对象。

Community Leaders Of All Ethnic Groups Spent The Lunar Festival  With Global One Bank

Global One Bank held a Spring Festival Party at the STV Global Studio on Monday. More than one hundred Chinese, Asians and international people gathered together to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. The distinguished guests who participated in this afternoon gathering expresed that they have high expectations for our bank and hope to work together for the development of the community. 

Our new bank building is under construction and the laying of the foundation has also been completed. It is expected that the beam and wall project can be completed by late July. 

Since our grand opening, we have expected to attract a large number 

of customers from different ethnic communities. We believe that our customers are our first priority and our door will always be open to serve you.