社评 0216 给长辈们拜年

每逢农历新年,我们总是惦记许多长辈, 向他们发送红包 ,今年也不例外。我和同仁们在大年初二拜访了五家长辈中心, 表达我们之敬意。
多年来, 我们非常感谢华亚裔社区对我们之支持, 一路走来, 无论是报纸、 电视和网路 ,他们都是忠实之读者和观眾,我们今天之发展全赖大家之爱护。
这些长辈们在他们年轻时曾经為国家和家庭奉献, 许多都是在学术、政界有过卓越之成就 ,如今在此颐养天年, 享受他们的黄金岁月。
孝敬父母, 尊敬长辈是我们中华文化最重要的传统, 我们在此继续发扬这项传统 ,是我们的荣幸, 也為下一代留下良好的典范。
Lunar New Year Visits To Elders
Every Lunar New Year we always remember our many elders and send them red envelopes.This year was no exception. My colleagues and I visited five senior centers on the second day of the Chinese New Year to express our respect.
Over the years we have been very grateful to the Chinese Asian community for their support. All the way, whether with our newspapers, TV and social media, they are our loyal readers and viewers and our presses today depend on their support.
These elders were dedicated to the country and their families when they were young and many of them have made outstanding achievements in academia and politics. Now is the time for them to enjoy their golden years.
Honoring parents and respecting our elders is the most important tradition in Chinese culture. It is our honor for us to continue to carry forward this tradition here and leave a good example for the next generation.