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社评0302 国际区大游行定期举行

社评0302  国际区大游行定期举行


德州休斯敦国际区游行及艾利芙美食节定於四月二十七日上午九时在国际区百利大道上举行,将由市长惠特曼為大礼官 ,主持游行大典, 这将為我们的多元族裔文化添光增彩。

多年来国际区大游行係由艾利芙学区、 国际贸易中心及国际区联合数十个工商社区团体共同举办 ,每年皆有七十多个花车队伍参加。此次游行队伍将由学区之学生仪队為主导, 包括高中球队体操及各种花车,结束后在学区之体育广埸将有不同特色之餐车出售各国不同之美食来发扬多元文化之特色。

我们呼吁国际区工商及社团单位能踊跃报名参加, 来壮大我们之游行队伍 ,為了帮忙贫寒学生, 此次报名费每单位付五十美元 ,将悉捐赠给艾利芙学区, 该学区设有奖学金委员会, 希望协助清寒学子完成学业。

The 2024 Houston International Parade Will Be Held On April 27

The Houston International Parade and Food Festival are scheduled to be held at 9:00am on Saturday, April 27 on Bellaire Blvd. Mayor John Whitmire will be the Grand Marshal of the event and more than 80 teams will join the parade. 

Over the years, the International Parade has been jointly organized    by Marie Lee, the ITC and the Alief School District. More than 80 local businesses and civic organizations have supported the event. According to the planned schedule, when the parade is finished, there will be many food trucks that will provide different kinds of food at the sport complex at the Alief School District. 

We are so very excited and proud that so many organizations are already signing up for the parade and food festival. This event strongly reflects our culture heritage. We also plan to donate all registered fees to the Alief School District Foundation in order to give assistance to needy students