社评 0306 超级星期二初选改变政治版图

全美国十五个州及美属萨摩亚週二投票初选, 现任民主党总统拜登及共和党籍之川普皆轻鬆过关, 註定代表两党在今年十一月角逐白宫大位。 在全国地方及参眾议员之初选也同时举行, 更牵动了当地的许多政治版图。
共和党全国代表大会有2429 张代表选票,参选人必须拿到至少1215 张选票。 此次初选之后川普已经超过此数字,他篤定成為总统候选人 ,可能重返白宫执政。
今天世界局势充满变数, 从俄乌之战到中东战争及臺海情势 ,是近几十年来最危险之时刻。 此时之美国大选势必影响到未来之世界局势。
无可讳言, 今天中国大陆之崛起正在改变世界之政治格局, 美国面对此一挑战, 正在联合许多国家企图阻止中国之发展 ,因此中美之间之矛盾和竞赛将会继续加剧。
我们认為, 今年总统大选及参眾议员之改选 ,将会影响美国及世界未来之走向。 如果战争无法结束, 包括俄罗斯、 北韩、 伊朗及许多中东国家必然会结集力量对抗美国及其盟邦, 未来的世界必然充斥着极大之危机。
Super Tuesday Primary Election Changes The Political Map
Fifteen States and Samoa voted for the primary election on Tuesday. The current Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump passed through the election process easily. They are destined to represent the two parties to run for the White House in the November presidential election. The national and local primary election was also held at the same time which has also changed many local political maps.
The Republican National Convention has 2,429 votes. A candidate must get 1,215 votes to represent the party to run for president. Trump
has exceeded this number. He has become a presidential candidate and may return to White House.
Today's world situation is full of variables and uncertainties. From the war between Russia and Ukraine to the war in the Middle East and the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the world is at a dangerous and unsettling moment not seen in many decades. At this time of the U.S. presidential election, the outcome will certainly affect the future of the whole world.
Today the rise of China is changing the political landscape of the world. In the face of this challenge, the United States is uniting with many countries to prevent China’s development. Therefore, the contradictions and competition between the two countries will continue to intensify.
We believe that if many of the problems of the world cannot find any solutions, the future of the world is bound to be full of great crises.