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社评0314 美国国会正对抖音宣战

社评0314    美国国会正对抖音宣战


国会眾议院以352对65票通过要抖音去中资化法案 ,规定大陆母公司在六个月内如果不退出抖音在美国之经营, 那么美国就将禁止这个应用程式 。

这个国际版之抖音在美国1.5亿人口使用, 其母公司是中国大陆字节跳动之全资子公司。 美国政界人士普遍认為它受制於大陆之母公司, 影响国家安全, 这项法案将送往参议院审议 ,是否通过还是未定之天。

抖音是否继续存在正在全美掀起一场政界和使用者之大战, 这批大部份之使用者是年轻人 ,抖音已经是他们生活中之一部分,更有些是赖於谋生之工具。

在目前中美两国关係䧟於低潮之时, 我们目睹国际版抖音公司年轻总裁周受资在国会受「审」之场景, 令人印象深刻。 

值此美国大选掀起热潮, 川普和拜登之选战可能就因為抖音之前途决定许多年青人之选票。 

The U.S. Congress Is Declaring “War” On TikTok

The House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday with a vote of 352-65 to force TikTok’s parent company to either sell the hugely popular video app, or have it banned in the United States. 

This move will escalate the relationship between Beijing and Washington over the control of technologies that could affect national security. In America, TikTok has more than 1.5 billion users and most of them are young people. Many politicians believe that the  data will affect our national security. The bill will move to the Senate for consideration on whether it will be passed or not.

Today TikTok has become a part of the daily life of many young people, and now even some of them depend on it for making a living. 

At the time when the relationship between China and the U.S. is at 

a very low point, we have witnessed the young CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew being treated as if “standing on trial” on Capitol Hill.  

The presidential election is coming. This will clearly become one of the political issues and directly related to the young voters who will choose to vote.