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社评 0315 我们社区需要心理辅导之廹切性

社评 0315 我们社区需要心理辅导之廹切性


随着社会结构之迅速改善, 美国单亲家庭和青少年问题亦随之复杂化, 从纽约来访的张震牧师之最新报告中, 我们都体认到心理辅导之重要和廹切性。

如今社群媒体氾滥, 人手一支手机,可以看到和吸收千奇百怪之资讯, 尤其是自媒体人更可以在视频上发表和製造不实和假消息来误导群眾和读者。

最近传出华裔单身妈妈丧子之不幸消息, 许多隐藏在我们社区之不幸事件, 有如定时炸弹随时会爆发,令人十分忧心。

我们要呼吁华亚裔国际社区之领袖们, 要立即探讨如何组成常设机构来应对目前之社会危机, 作為新闻媒体,我们对於这项社会责任义不容辞, 立即响应社区之需求, 从此开始实施和举办各项定期之讲座, 和张牧师共同分享他的爱心和经验, 希望给社区带来一份温暖和帮助。 

Our Community Needs Psychological Counseling 

With the rapid changing of the social structure, the problem of single-parent families with teenagers in our community has also become more complicated. From the speech of Pastor Zhang from New York, we all now recognize the importance  of psychological counseling. 

Nowadays social media is rampant. All people with a mobile phone can    see and absorb all kinds of strange information along with fake news and endless videos with unhealthy content.

Recently there was the unfortunate news of the death of a young Chinese college student who committed suicide. All of these types of unfortunate events are also hidden in our community and are very worrisome. 

We want to call on all of the leaders in our community to immediately and seriously discuss how to form an organization to deal with this current crisis. 

As a news media organization, we have the responsibility of leadership to address critical issues in our community. For this reason, we have decided to host regular seminars with Pastor Zhang hoping to bring some warmth and encouragement to those in need and to help to our community where it matters the most.