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梦回首拍:青少年的网球慈善之旅! First Racquet: A Youth-led Nonprofit Making Waves Locally and Globally !

梦回首拍:青少年的网球慈善之旅!  First Racquet: A Youth-led Nonprofit Making Waves Locally and Globally !

In a bid to promote sports accessibility, First Racquet, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding tennis opportunities for underprivileged children across Angola, has achieved its ambitious mission of sending tennis gear and equipment to Luanda, Angola. 

“第一把网球拍”(First Racquet)是一个由二十几个青春飞扬的高中和初中学生于2023年初创建和领导的非营利慈善组织 501(c)(3),他们大部分来自德克萨斯州休斯顿和奥斯汀,也有来自俄克拉荷马和乔治亚州的成员。

During the festive Christmas season of 2023, the children of Academia lustide Tenis Kikuxi Villas Club in Luanda, Angola were delighted to receive a shipment of 10 boxes filled to the brim with 35 bags, 154 racquets, 270 articles of athleticwear, 52 pairs of shoes, 36 hats, and 72 cans of tennis balls from First Racquet. The timely arrival of these supplies brought joy and excitement to the young tennis players there, providing them with essential resources  to pursue their passion for the sport. This initiative marks a significant step towards bridging the gap in sports infrastructure and providing opportunities for youth development in the African nation.

“第一把网球拍” 的创始人和几位核心成员在童年时期于非洲国家安哥拉的首都罗安达学会挥动了他们的第一把网球拍,该非营利组织名字即源于他们的童年回忆及对网球的热爱。

成立伊始,“第一把网球拍” 就致力于推广网球运动,特别是支持安哥拉贫困地区的青少年网球运动,并已经取得熠熠成绩。

The initiative, led by First Racquet's founder, Gabriel Xu, and a team of over 20 middle and high school students across Texas, Oklahoma, and most recently Georgia, aims to tackle the challenges faced by underprivileged communities in accessing sports facilities and equipment. Angola, a country with a growing interest in tennis but limited resources, stands to benefit greatly from this endeavor.

自成立以来的一年间,“第一把网球拍” 组织了多次慈善网球赛事,并且得到了广大网球爱好者的热情支持。每次网球比赛都能吸引到众多选手踊跃参加,各项赛事的参加人数已经累计超过300人次。比赛注册的收入及义卖与赞助的所得,使得组织的慈善基金不断增长。

First Racquet’s mission is to collect and ship gently-used tennis racquets, bags, shoes, hats, and other essential equipment to various regions across Angola. They have collaborated with local organizations and tennis clubs to ensure the effective distribution of the donated items.

与此同时,“第一把网球拍” 还与休斯顿的各大知名网球俱乐部联合,包括 King Daddy Sports,Bay Area Racquet Club, AD IN Indoor Tennis,Tennis Express 等。在网球俱乐部设置募捐点,接收来自爱心人士捐赠的网球衣物、鞋、球拍、拍线等物资。不仅如此,“第一把网球拍”的成员们还积极与各自高中校队联系与宣传,鼓励更多的青少年网球选手投身其中。Shadow Creek High School更是为“第一把网球拍”提供了比赛场地和各种便利。

Speaking on the impact of the initiative, representatives from Angola expressed their appreciation for the organization’s meaningful cause. Coach João from Angola believes that First Racquet's initiative will undoubtedly create new opportunities and inspire a generation of tennis enthusiasts in Angola.

The project has garnered widespread support from the tennis community, with renowned coaches, tennis clubs, and enthusiasts rallying behind the cause. Several sports equipment manufacturers have also showed their support through sponsorships, providing additional resources to facilitate the mission's success.

这一切的努力都是为了“第一把网球拍”的青少年们心中的一个深情而宏大的目标 — 该目标在2023年底终于予以实现。在2023年的圣诞之际,距离休斯顿万里之遥、濒临大西洋的西非安哥拉首都罗安达,一群同样怀着网球梦的少年们收到了一份来自美国的礼物 — 满载着球拍、球包、球鞋、及运动衣物的货柜在经历了漫长的等待与跋涉后,安全抵达了罗安达的各个主要网球俱乐部和慈善组织。这份凝聚了许多心血与汗水的物资包括35个网球包、154个网球拍、270件衣物、52双球鞋、36顶球帽及72罐网球等等。罗安达当地媒体积极地报道并赞扬了“第一把网球拍”的善举;同时给“第一把网球拍”的成员们寄来了孩子们脸上挂着美丽的微笑、拿着他们的第一把网球拍拍摄的温馨照片。

In addition to its core mission of providing tennis equipment, First Racquet also organizes seasonal UTR charity tennis tournaments and hitting sessions, which not only promote the sport of tennis but also serve as platforms for raising funds and awareness for charitable causes. Through these events, participants not only enjoy friendly competition and skill-building opportunities but also contribute to meaningful endeavors that make a positive impact on society.

As the shipments continue to make their way to Angola, anticipation is high for the positive influence they will have on communities across the country. First Racquet believes that by providing access to tennis equipment, they can empower the youth of Angola to embrace the sport and its values.

2024年,“第一把网球拍”更上一层楼,将慈善网球比赛升级为正规UTR (Universal Tennis Ranking) 网球赛事,目的是在慈善募捐的前提之下,为更多的网球选手提供竞技的机会。相信这一举措会吸引更多的网球爱好者加入和传递爱心。“第一把网球拍”的组织成员们也会再接再励,向着下一个深情而宏大的目标前进。

For more information about First Racquet's mission and how to support their initiatives, please visit their official website at www.firstracquet.org.
