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每日社评:0512 向各族裔母亲们致敬

每日社评:0512 向各族裔母亲们致敬


週末的美南电视环球剧坊充满了温馨和激情, 七位来自休斯敦各族裔的妈妈们接受了大家的表扬和祝福。 她们对家人𠒇女及社会之付出 ,真正建立了这个温暖的社区。

好友国会眾议员格林在颁奖仪式中向这些伟大的母亲们致敬, 他说:“ 我们每一个人都有一位伟大的母亲, 他付出了无限的爱领养我们长大成长。” 我在祝词中也表示: 母亲是我们家庭社会之基石。

今天受到表扬的妈妈们除了华亚裔之外, 还有非裔 拉丁裔的母亲们, 他们每一位都有一段感人之人生经歷, 大多把子女抚养长大而成為社会之中坚份子 。

在颁奖典礼上 ,也有许多精彩的文艺歌唱表演 ,唱出了我们对母亲之恩念和感恩, 这场国际社区之母亲节庆典活动 ,令人感动, 祝福天下的妈妈们母亲节快乐幸福和健康。

Salute To Mothers Of Various Ethnicities

Over the weekend, the STV Global Theatre was filled with warmth and passion as seven mothers from different ethnicities in Houston were recognized, praised and blessed by everyone. Their dedication to their families, children and society truly built this warm community. 

Our dear congressman Al Green paid tribute to these great mothers at the awards ceremony. He said, ” Each of us has a great mother who has given us infinite love and raised us to be who we are today.”

In my congratulatory message,I also expressed that mothers are, 

"the cornerstones of our families and society."

The mothers honored today include not only Asian-Americans, but also African and Latino mothers. Each one of them has a touching life story. Many of them are raising their children to become pillars of society. 

This was truly a heartwarming and inspiring event. We salute all the mothers of different ethnicities 

for their hard work and dedication, bringing endless warmth and strength to their families and to their communities. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. May you always be happy and healthy!