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每日评论0518 為太空教育事业喝采

每日评论0518 為太空教育事业喝采


我的学弟刘倬宇最近带了一批工商界领军人物前来德州休斯敦考察访问,主要是希望瞭解太空科技之最新发展,我们也同时接待了访问团,共同交换意见和未来合作之展望, 其中作陪的还包括华裔太空人焦立中博士。


未来之太空必然是世界大国争夺之一项大事业,相信未来到外太空月球旅游之路已经不远 ,休斯敦是美国的太空城 ,我将向惠特曼市长建议加强对太空教育之宣导,可以成為文化观光之主要產业。

 Applauding The Space Education Initiative

James Liu, my junior classmate, brought a group of business leaders to Houston to explore and learn about the latest developments in space technology. We hosted the visiting group to exchange ideas and discuss potential future collaborations. 

James Liu has dedicated over twenty years to the space education initiative. Thousands of young individuals have come to Houston from over twenty countries around the world and those interested in space education camps have come here where they can uncover and explore the mysteries and possibilities of pursuing a career in space. 

The future of space will inevitably become a major endeavor for global powers, and the prospects of space tourism, including trips to outer space and to the moon may be sooner than ever now. 

Houston, known as the Space City of the United States, is poised to become a hub for space education and could potentially lead to future growth in culture and tourism industries. 

I am planning to propose to    Mayor Whitmire that the city should initiate the promotion of space education as a key industry in culture and tourism.