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每日社评0706 首次遣返中国大陆移民

每日社评0706 首次遣返中国大陆移民




近月来,有关非法进入美国之移民成為总统竞选中之主轴议题,更是川普攻击拜登总统之国内问题 ,当年他主张兴建之边境围墙,民主党主政后便已终止,确实成千上万之移民非法进入了美国。


U.S. To Send Chinese Immigrants Back To China

According to U.S. Homeland Security records, more than 25,000 Chinese immigrants have been detained on the border between U.S. and Mexico in recent years. The U.S. government is now arranging to repatriate 118 immigrants back to Mainland China, which also is the first time this has happened on a large scale in recent years. 

The U.S. government is currently discussing this issue with the Chinese government on how to send more of these people back to China. 

In recent years, a large number of Chinese have illegally entered the United States after entering Central America, then proceeding across the land into Mexico. Most of them are professionals and intellectuals. 

In recent months, immigration has become a 'hot topic' in the 2024 presidential election. This is the same issue that Trump attacked Biden on about being 'too soft' on many immigrants when he allowed hundreds of thousands of them cross the border mostly untouched. 

Many of them took great risks to smuggle themselves into the United States, and now they are being repatriated. We think it is not worth it for them to try again.