
Bill Gates’s Worry And Hope
Microsoft founder Bill Gates said yesterday that the current coronavirus picture is both globally and in the U.S. bleaker than he would have ever expected.
He said the fact that people are still dying in the U.S. today shows that the country is not even doing close to enough to fight the pandemic. The U.S. hasn’t had the leadership messages or coordination that we would expect to fight the virus.
About two months ago when Gates talked about the pandemic, the virus death toll in America stood at 63,000 with more than one million cases recorded. Today, this figure has doubled. There are now 2.4 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in U.S. and more than 122,000 people have died.
Gates attributed the rise in numbers to a lack of testing and contact tracing as well as lack of mask wearing.
Gates dismissed the White House’s claim that an increase in case numbers is a direct result of increase in testing calling it, “completely false.”
He also expressed disappointment with what he called a lack of leadership to tackle this virus globally which has lead to countries such as India and Brazil bearing the brunt of this disease.
But he still hopes that the U.S. will step up and help get the tools out, particularly the vaccine, to everyone in the world.
We continually are seeing a sad picture from the senior nursing homes all over the country. Many of them resemble “staying in jail” centers. They house and care for our parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters. We sincerely urge the federal and local governments to organize a national emergency task force, including medical security personnel, to go to the many areas that need help.
Sadly these days, the politicians just care about their votes and just don’t care about the people who are still suffering .
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has already donated $100 million dollars to help the research for a vaccine. His commitment and vision truly represents our American spirit.
微软创办人比尔盖茨昨天在一次电视座谈会上非常忧心的表示, 新冠病毒对全世界及美国之肆虐比他想像中要严重,今天美国继续不断有不幸病逝的人,他认为美国对于抗拒病毒的努力远远不够,他认为许多国家在许多医疗科硏做得比我们好 ,原因在于我们缺乏领导和协调之能力。
八週前当盖茨出现在同一个电视会场时,全美新冠病毒死亡人数是六万三千人,共有一百万人确诊,但是到目前为止,全国确诊人数加倍到二百四十万人, 死亡也到了十二万二千人,他认为主要原因是大家不戴口罩,缺乏社交距离及测试也不够, 许多人都漠视疫情之严重性。
今天我们目睹许多住在老人养疗院的年长者,他们每天生活在疫情之恐袭中,有如等待末日之到来, 他们是我们的同胞、父母或祖父母,这场病毒把他们和亲友隔离开来,这真是人间悲剧。
我们呼吁美国政府不论是中央和地方要立即动员所有力量组成一个政 府及民间之行动委员会,全力加大疫苗之硏发,组织疫情救灾队, 在首都设立指挥中心,凡是全国重灾区立即给予医疗、治安、生活上之支援,以救火队之速度随时待命,我们有无数医疗专业人士都会加入支援。
遗憾的是我们今天面临太多的政治 政客们为了选票,可以把人民生死问题置于身外,一手遮天粉饰太平, 以致于把这个世界最富强的国家,造成如此民生疾苦不堪,失去领导世界之地位。
比尔盖茨是我们这一代最聪明富有充满智慧的领军人物,他的忠言逆耳, 希望唤醒政府及民间有识之士,来拯救我们国家,更是整个地球之前途,我们大家点赞共同来支持他吧。