每日评论0114 是我们大家团结之时刻了

首先在遣返非法移民方面,川普政府将会採取非常激烈之手段遣送走许多在此之移民,必然会造成社区之混乱,是祸是福尚难预料。但是週遭之劳工 阶级必然会有重大之改变,他们多半是在此非法居位多年之劳工阶级。
It’s Time For Us To Unite
As President Trump is about return to the White House, the whole world will turn its eyes to Washington as the new government will make major adjustments
to the internal and external affairs of the United States under the rallying cry of the "Make America Great Again" slogan.
First of all, President Trump will deport many illegal immigrants that are the working class in our community. They have been living here for many years. Most of them work as laborers in restaurants, gas stations and hotels. If they are expelled from our community, that will make a great impact on our economy.
With all these impacts in our society, we all must unite to face the challenge.