每日评论0118 市府主计长首先庆祝华人农历新年之来临

非常感谢主计长对社区之关怀, 他说早年曾在北京学习中文,他必然会体验到中华文化之博大精深,他的胸懐说明他的政治前途必然光明。
City Controller Chris Hollins Is The First To Celebrate The Arrival Of The Chinese Lunar New Year
Chris Hollins, City of Houston Controller, celebrated a Lunar New Year reception at City Hall Friday afternoon to welcome the arrival of the Chinese New Year, Year of the Snake. In his congratulatory speech, Hollins praised the fact that we as a multi-ethnic community celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year together, which has carries a very special significance.
We are deeply pleased with the speech of the City Controller. He is one of very few government officials who have come forward to celebrate the Lunar New Year, which fully illustrates the influence of our Chinese community on the modern society.
Yes, we are a country of immigrants. Everyone came here to seek the "American Dream." Many people have devoted their young lives and careers to build this nation together. Of course, immigrants are the masters of the nation.
Hollins studied in Beijing in his early years and he definitely experienced the depth of the Chinese culture during that time.