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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

每日评论0125 [美南AI 金融中心]峻工在即

每日评论0125 [美南AI 金融中心]峻工在即

[美南AI 金融中心]峻工在即



鉴於顺应时代之潮流, 美南传媒正在筹划两项重要之AI人工智慧之计划,其中包括将於今年十月三日至六日在休斯敦会展中心举办首届世界太空愿景与人工智能挑战赛,这项活动由经营二十多年太空教育之刘倬宇校长领军,并由名律师赖清阳,侨领谢宗煌等共同协办,并且得到市长惠特曼,国会议员格林,美国国务院美南办事处凯莎玲何及印尼,巴基斯坦,科威特,韩国,日本等近二十𠆤国家驻休斯敦总领事之大力支持和赞助,预计将有三千位来自世界各国之年青朋友参加挑战大赛。



Southern News AI Financial Center 

-- The Construction Is Imminent  Southern News Media Group Is Stepping Into The Era Of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

The rapid leap forward of AI is rewriting the fate and future of human history in many areas. 

AI is a widely versatile high-tech technology with applications to many fields that can accomplish many tasks very rapidly and without the need for direct human intervention.In line with the trendof the times, Southern News Group is planning two important AI events, including the World Space Vision and AI Challenge at Houston's George R. Brown Convention Center from October 3-6 of this year. This activity is led by Mr. James Liu who has been teaching Space education for the last twenty years, and it has been co-organized by attorney Andy Lai and community leader, Mark Hsieh. The event also has received support from Mayor Whitmire as well as many consulate generals in Houston. We expect more than 3,000 young people will attend the event.

We are also preparing to build an AI teaching headquarters to teach people about AI in many different cities. We are very excited about the development of this AI education project and have decided to name the new bank building the Southern News AI Financial Center.