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Celebrating July 4

We Need To Change

President Trump stood in front of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota for an Independence Day celebration and said, “a new far-left fascism” is seeking to wipe out the nation’s values and history. Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children.

On July 4, 1776, Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence making July 4 Independence Day. In almost two hundred and fifty years, the United States of America became the strongest nation in the world

When we look back at history in the early stages, European immigrants arrived on the American continent to settle down and build the country. Later on, people from all over the world came to this land to seek a new life. This great nation was built by immigrants. We were so fortunate that the world wars never came to our land and that we have been able to build a strong country in less than three hundred years.

Unfortunately today, because of the coronavirus pandemic and racial issues, we are facing the biggest challenges for our future.

In such a difficult time, all of us need to work together to save our nation and not divide our nation.

May God Bless America!



川普总统昨天在南达科大州拉什莫尔总统山发表了热情漾溢的演说,在六千多未戴口罩之支持者大声鼓掌声中,他展开全力攻击参加示威及破坏铜像的人士是极左派法西斯份子, 他誓言发佈行政命令保护这些建国先烈的塑像。

美国自一七七六年建国迄今, 不过二百四十四年,早年从欧洲非洲来到新大陆的首代移民,他们勇于开拓之精神,为美利坚共和国奠立坚实之基础,原住民印第安人已在此居住了数千年,1607 年英国人在维吉尼亚州落地, 包拓西班牙、法国 、荷兰人也先后到了美洲大陆,由于一七七五年和英国人之战役胜利,于一七七六年七月四日起草美国宪法并宣布独立。

美国宪法之主要精神在于民治、民有、民享之基础上,回顾过去二百多年来,多少来自世界各地的移民, 他们前仆后继来到新大陆是为了追求新的生活,许多来自世界战乱贫苦地区,他们在母国看不到希望,我们非常幸运,二次世界大战战火都未曾波及美国本土, 美洲大陆天然资源丰富, 加上世界各地精英不断移居, 在短短二百五十年我们就成为世界第一强国。

不幸的是,近半年来新冠病毒之攻击, 种族问题之严重 ,我们正遭受前所未有之挑战。

值此艰难时刻, 但愿天佑美国!