每日评论0212 马斯克向政府预算开刀

根据美国国会预算办公室数据,2025 年美国联邦预算赤字将高达1.865万亿美元,佔GDP 之百分之六点二,美国联邦债务已超过三十六万亿美元占GDP之122%。
Musk Cuts The Government's Budget
In order to fulfill his campaign promise, President Trump is waving the big knife of deeply cutting the budget at home and abroad. He is hoping that through Musk’s hand that he can rescue our indebted country.
According to the data of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office, our federal budget deficit will reach $1,865 trillion in 2025, accounting for 6.2% of the national GDP. The U.S. federal debt has now exceeded 36 trillion dollars, accounting for 112% of the national GDP.
Musk has promised to cut two trillion dollars from the nation's budget this year. He wants to let two million federal employees go on leave to accomplish this goal. Such action could cause a major backlash in soceity.The national debt is a very serious issue facing all of us and we must also face reality.