美国新冠疫情日记 07/27

Secretary Chao And Dr. Fauci’s Praise And Worry
The International Leadership Foundation hosted the 2020 ILF Virtual Leadership & Business Conference last Saturday. The founder of ILF, Chiling Tong invited Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the NIAID, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator Tim Scott and U.S. Representative Grace Meng to deliver speeches.
All of them praised the many contributions that Asian Americans have made to our society. As Dr. Fauci said, we have so many Asian American medical personnel standing on the front line fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
Today our society has just been turned upside down because of this horrible virus. Asian Americans have become scapegoats and anti-Asian and anti-Chinese sentiment is brewing in our community.
Just this past weekend, anti-government demonstrations were held in Austin, Portland and Oakland. Several people were injured and one protester in Austin was killed. Federal officers and local police moved in and clashed with the demonstrators.
We are so angry and sad to witness the nation just going out of control. And we still don’t see any immediate measures being made to calm the pandemic.
There are less than 100 days until the presidential election. All of us need to take action to rescue ourselves and the nation.
由董继玲女士在首都华盛顿发起成立的国际领袖基金会今天中午举行了2020年领袖及商业视讯会议,邀请了交通部部长赵小兰,国家传染疾病专家福其博士, 参议员卢比欧,参议员斯科特及华裔国会议员孟江文等分别在视讯大会上发表演说 并共同表彰亚裔对美国社会之巨大贡献。
可是今天我们的社会已经乱了套,许多政客在疫情猖獗时期,成为在政治上的操作筹码,全国国民产生了仇视亚华裔社区之情况,造成社会之不安,週末在德州奥斯丁、波特兰、 奥克兰等大城市先后有大型示威 ,并出了人命, 联邦政府执意要以军队来镇压示威群众, 岂是安抚民愤之方法。
我们要非常悲愤而极度忧虑的指出, 全国已处于内外交困之极大危机,不论是在内政外交,执政者如果只为一已之私 ,将会造成无法弥补的遗憾和后果, 今天是我们自救也是救人之时刻了。