
We Are Racing To Find A Vaccine
A Houston-based clinical research company, Ventavia Group, is asking for your help. Anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 people will be screened to see if they are eligible to test a COVID-19 vaccine. According to Ventavia, they are looking for people age 18 and older who may have a high risk of exposure to COVID-19.
In Boston, a phase 3 clinical trial designed to evaluate if an investigational vaccine can prevent COVID -19 in adults has begun. The vaccine known as mRNA-1273 was co-developed by the Moderna company and the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said we urgently need a safe and effective preventive vaccine to ultimately control the pandemic.
Today the country’s confirmed cases are way over four million and includes National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien who has tested positive for COVID-19. He is the highest ranking U.S. official in the Trump administration who has tested positive.
Frankly speaking, even Mr. O’Brien in his government position got it the virus when we mistakenly think that those people who are struggling under difficult living conditions would more easily get the virus. But the virus does not have favorites.
In just the last one-half year, our nation has been turned upside down. More than thirty million people are out of work. Demonstrations are ongoing in many major cities and the economy has gone down. And people are expecting to get more checks from the government. All of these situations are directly related to the pandemic.
We really hope the vaccine will come out soon. This is the best solution to fight this national battle and catastrophe.
位於德州休斯敦医疗中心的瓦塔维亚研究中心今天宣佈,该中心将从即日起进行第三期新冠疫苗的人体实验,并呼吁各阶层市民踊跃参加,在此同时,位於麻州摩地纳医疗科技公司和国家卫生硏究中心共同研发的mRNA-1273疫苗立即召募三万名未感染COVID-19 之成年人进行注射,希望早日实现疫苖之发现。
遗憾的是这些补助绝非治本之道,我们面临之国家危机是天灾,也是人祸 ,如果基本上的问题得不到解决方案, 国家之未来必然会十分暗淡。
所幸疫苗之硏发已现曙光, 希望早日实验成功, 来阻止这场前所未见之浩劫。