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“2020 Presidential Election” TV Show

Today the 2020 Presidential Election TV show was started at our Houston headquarters. The show is hosted by Mr. Jim Noteware and Mr. Jimmy Ma every Thursday at 7:00 pm. The audience can watch the show through STV 15.3, YouTube, Facebook and iTalkBBand will reach all over the world.

Jim Noteware is a real estate and financial expert. He has traveled to Asian extensively having visited China, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand. His knowledge of Asian politics and economic issues  makes him an Asian scholar. He is also Co-chair of the International Trade Center.


 Jimmy Ma is a very outstanding young Asian American financial expert who because of his background understands the situation of the Asian community today.

The TV show also is going to invite both Democrats and Republicans to talk about foreign policy and economic issues.

Under the ITC, we are also working on organizing a legal advisory group of twenty in order to help people fight for their civil rights.

Today our nation is living in a very critical time. President Trump is now suggesting that the November 3rd election be delayed. We don’t think this is within the power of the president to impose such a delay on the country at all.

All of us love this country. We need to take action now, not just for ourselves, but also for the next generation.



由美国财政界领袖金诺威及美南电视政论节目主持人马健共同主持的美国大选及中美关係电视节目今天正式啟动, 将在每週下午七时透过STV 15.3 频道 ,YouTube ,Facebook app ,houston stv15.3, ITalkBB 等频道向全球直播。

2020 大选节目将会访问共和民主两党人士对大选之看法并将从美国人之观点看中美两国未来之关係发展,同时正在推动在国际贸易中心下设立法律援助顾问团将為国际亚华裔社区提供法律援助。

金诺威係史坦福大学高材生曾经多次到过中国大陆及台湾对亚洲问题有非常深刻独到之经验,目前也是国际贸易中心共同主席。马健多年来在美南电视主持各型政论节目, 大学主修财经法律, 中英文俱佳, 他将从亚裔角度来谈论在美国华亚裔目前严峻之处情。

总统大选迫在眉睫 川普总统昨天在推特发文, 由於对各州通讯投票之不信任, 他建议要美国大选延期, 此语一出, 各界譁然, 大选日期明定在宪法条例中岂是总统一句话可决定?

全国疫情仍然在恶化中, 美国确诊人数不断激增, 济指数不断下滑, 这是我们大家共同积极关注国事之时刻了。

今天我们推出 2020美国大选系列节目旨在加强报导有关大选情势 尤其是美国之移民 外交政策是和我们息息相关。

大家都体认到这是近百年世界最大之变局事关我们及下一代之生存 怎麼能䄂手旁观?!