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An Open Letter To Our Brothers And Sisters

A Virtual Conversation With Dr. Ben Harris


Dear Brothers and Sisters -

 It has been more than one-half of a year that our Asian and international communities have been suffering from the coronavirus pandemic. Many of our brothers and sisters have lost their lives. Many small businesses built in our lifetime are all gone. Politicians just use the anti-immigrant and race issues only to try and gain their political advantage. Most of us came to this great land and adopted it as our own country. And now it is facing the greatest challenge.

 A group of us in ten different major cities have already organized the American Business Mosaic Association. We definitely want to join in the 2020 presidential election and have our voices heard.

 We are inviting Dr. Ben Harris, Former Chief Economist to Vice President Biden, to be our guest on Virtual Conversation on Economic and International Outlook. He will answer questions on foreign policy and immigration issues.

 This is the time we all need to participate in this political process for ourselves and the next generation.

 I am urging all of you not to just open your checkbook. We really all need to go out and vote.

 We believe we can control our own future.



过去半年来,由于新冠病毒之猖獗,导致我们国际华亚裔社区之巨大变化, 我们许多亲人不敌病毒之侵袭倒下去了,多少年来在这块土地上辛苦留下血汗而创建的事业也关闭了,在当政者有意操作之下,全国掀起了反移民及亚华裔之反种族气氛,对我们在此生活及安身立命的美利坚共和国正在遭遇百年来最大挑战。


我们已经邀请到拜登总统竞选总部前白宫经济顾问哈里斯博士在八月十日(星期一)中部时间下午六时和我们进行对话, 题目是美国国际外交和经济之展望,他将在这次视讯大会上回答我们对今后美国外交、移民、经济之看法,他曾在白宫担任拜登副总统办公室之首席经济顾问, 一直到二O一四年奥巴马政府交接為止。

今天我们要再度呼吁这是我们共同行动的时刻了,我们目睹社会之乱象, 疫情之失控 ,掌权者施政之荒腔走板,要把我们大家的前途及命运放在政治之赌盘上。

这次大选,我们已在全美十大城市组成了美国企业委员会, 将以钞票及选票展示我们的实力,来写下歷史的一页。
