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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

美國新冠疫情日記 09/10

美國新冠疫情日記 09/10


We Are Challenging Convergence Media

Today the media world is facing a new challenge because of  the disruptive technology. I remember almost thirty years ago a young man from San Francisco tried to show me how the new internet could create more business in the future. Today his version became reality and made him a billionaire.

Southern News Group has become a giant media complex group that started with a printing press and grew to a daily newspaper, radio, television, yellow pages and now uses new internet technology to serve our readers and audiences. We fully understand that if we don’t move to new technology, we will be eliminated.

Today, the 5G era is coming. We definitely would like to join hands with you and enter the CONVERGENCE MEDIA age together.

We will utilize all our resources to build a new App for scdaily.com that will send our signal to your smartphone and smart TV. We will upgrade our news reporting to live broadcasts direct from the studio. All our talk shows will be hosted by famous scholars and experts in their fields. With just one touch on your phone you will get all the news and information updates instantly.

Shopping and online education will be a very important part of our program. Our viewers can shop and learn at any time and from anywhere they prefer.

Our Southern Convergence Media is coming. Please join our team and give us your support. We want to open a new chapter of our future. 



今天的媒體世界正在進行前所未有之改變及挑戰我們在新聞媒體的戰場上已經奮戰了十載, 近三十年前新浪網創办人姜丰年學弟在我們辦公室大談並推廣網際網路之大好前途他成功的把網路推向世界而且是名利雙收的媒體大亨。

多年來我們遵循社會之脈動從印刷廠到傳統報業走進网路新聞開設廣播及電視, 發行英文日報創辦黃頁電話薄觀光指南把媒體發行到全美各大城市數十年之艰苦奮战我們深切感受到不進步就淘汰之巨大壓力。

隨著5G 時代之來到也就是我們正要和大家共同邁進 “融媒體時代, 換言之, 我們將充分利用高速互聯网為載體把廣播電視、 報紙、 黃頁雜誌、 這些既有共同點又存在互補性, 在人力 內容宣傳進行全面整合實現資源通融內容兼容宣傳互融,利益共融之新型媒體。

融媒體不是一個獨立實體,是我們所擁有的各種媒體互為整合, 互為利用, 使其功能手段、 價值得以全面提升的一種運作模式是在實踐中摸得着的具體內容。


第一 數位媒體 社區服務 傳遞全球

美南融媒體將以最新APP 亮相, 美南日報 美南電視將以最新款之網站scdaily.com STV 以光纖寬頻傳送電視訊號將直接傳送到手機及電視屏幕並在本地及全球零距離收看。

第二 改進內容 直播傳送 賓主互動


第三 開設 网紅直播基地 线上教育課程

近來因新冠疫情對全球之肆虐居家生活及辦公恐已成常態, 我們將招聘年轻网紅在線上推廣各種商品並且把美國制造之產品推向全世界。

我們設立了各種線上教育課程, 向世界推廣 延纜名師講座, 將是我們努力之最大方向。

我們在改進中, 請大家拭目以待 也希望得到大家之掌聲和支持。


( 图片来源: 路透社 )