美國新冠疫情日記 10/24

We Were Proud To Join The Rally For The Presidential Election
A group of Asian Pacific Islanders came together in front of the Southern News Group compound to show support for Joe Biden for president in the upcoming presidential election on November 3rd.
It has been over thirty years ago since many of us came to Houston, Texas, and settled down to begin our new life. Today in the International District we have so many success stories to tell. Many of us became BIG successes. We have built a very successful business circle representing all ethnic groups with many new immigrants.
Today, as the coronavirus still is attacking our community, we as small business owners have suffered the most because most of us have been running service-based businesses like restaurants and shopping centers.
This is the time we really have to speak out for our rights and for our future. We hope our next generation will actively participate in political activities and run for public office and represent our community at both the local, state and federal levels.
Today’s rally really indicated to the public and to the politicians that we need to be united together and not be a divided nation.
We also really admire the Asian Americans and Pacific Islands political group who are reaching out to all the voters to go out and vote. Just like all other voters, we are highly concerned about the economy, job creation, immigration and social security.
德州大休斯敦地區亞華裔社區領袖今天下午聚集在美南廣場,為支持拜登賀锦麗參選美國總統, 群眾們情緒高昂,為十一月三日之大選做最後衝刺。
今天我們走在休斯敦百利大道上,許多中小企業在國際區及中國城造就了繁華景象 ,這是數十年來多少前輩在此打拼之成果, 二十年前, 百利大道還是稻田之地, 由于新移民之到來,在此創業生根已經為休斯敦創造了经濟奇蹟。
此次新冠疫情打亂了我們社區的秩序, 許多中小企業被迫停業或關閉,全國人民都處在極度困難之中。
總統大選之最後一次辯論已經結束, 民主共和兩黨之政見南轅北轍,其中最令我們期待的還是美國应該回到國際社會之運作之中,絕對不可獨身事外。
今天的群眾大會只是我們參政的里程碑, 我們眼看國家社會都需要我們的參與和互助 ,才能面對未來的挑戰。
( 图片来源: 路透社)