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美國新冠疫情日記 10/26

美國新冠疫情日記 10/26

This Is The Time We Need To Be United

We were so glad that many politicians attended the rally last Saturday at the Southern News compound. The group came together to show our united effort for the upcoming presidential election.

Along with the AAPI Asian American and Pacific Islanders Group, we celebrated the differences and uniqueness that make up our diverse community.

In this important election so many issues are related to our communities, not only the coronavirus pandemic attacking and ruining our businesses and our brothers’ and sisters’ lives. The U.S. immigration policy also directly influences our families, especially because we have a lot of new immigrant families now and many talented international students who will have much less opportunities to stay in America after they finish their studies.

We are in agreement that we want to “make America great again.” Actually, we are still the number one strongest nation in the world. But if we keep withdrawing from international organization, we will only damage our relationships with our allies and the rest of the world.

Today we are still not seeing any plan from the government to fight the pandemic. Too often now, we are watching many people’s loved ones lose their live. This is such a shame. This is a tragedy for all of us.

Unless we can rescue the millions of our own citizens, nothing could change our minds more than to vote for better leadership for our nation.


大選日子在即美國政壇一團混亂民主共和兩黨正在對選民做最後之呼喚, 爭取他們的選票。

我們非常高興看到上週六民主黨籍參加公職競選的候選人聚集在美南新聞廣場前, 向選民宣誓今年在選舉中獲勝的決心。

來自華亞裔及太平洋群島族群的各界代表在會上發出了緊急呼籲,當新冠病毒繼續在侵襲我們社區時數以萬計的中小企業被迫關閉,每天仍然有超過七萬名確診人數死亡者已經超過二十二萬 她們是我們的兄弟姐妹 父母或親友, 那些政客仍然視若無睹不願戴上口罩。

我們對目前政府的移民政策也表示高度不滿, 尤其是我們社區許多來自移民家庭, 他們在申報親友來美团聚的手續和名額都變得更加困難對於前來美國留學的各國学生 政府也采取不再歡迎的態度让成千上萬的人才再也無法留在美國。

我們是領導世界的強國 過去許多年來不斷退出各種國際組織 把美國推向孤立 這就是我們的外交政策嗎?

今天我們再次呼籲, 這是我們應該團結的時刻了, 選票就在我們手中我們就是國家的主人翁。

( 图片来源:路透)