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新聞 / 今日要聞



We Are Helpless Now

Today California became the second state to reach one million COVID-19 cases following Texas.

The new forecast showed that cities in California will have significant case growth into mid-December.

Official COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the nation are piling up at record rates and many experts fear daily deaths will soon follow.

The mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot issued a stay at home advisory encouraging residents to stay at home and only leave for school, work or other essential needs.

We are marking the ninth straight day the U.S. has topped over 100,000 daily infections with a new record of 140,000 cases being set. Nearly 1,900 people died on Wednesday.

Facing the national crisis, President-elect Joe Biden is moving forward with his transition plan and named long-time aide Ron Klain as White House chief of staff. Biden said, “His deep, varied experience and capacity to work with people all across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in the White House.”

In the meantime, Trump administration officials are underway to six battleground states that Democratic president-elect Joe Biden won closely.

It is so sad when we watch so many more lives being lost in recent days, yet the political fighting still goes on in D.C.

We are urging all people to go back to your neighbors or to your community and help those people who are really struggling.



新冠疫情目前確診及死亡人數在全國再創新高, 芝加哥及休士頓已經呼籲市民不要外出除了上學上班及工作等特殊情況之外,希望大家留在家中這是九天來連續確診人數每天都在十萬人以上。

當疫情進入緊急狀態時, 拜登總統當選人今天任命他原來做資深顧問克莱為將來白宮總管家他盛讚克萊是極有協調能力的最佳人選。

在此同時川普總統正在猛烈地在六大州展開法律攻防戰, 希望能找到失去的總統寶座。

我們的國家正遭受嚴重的疫情挑戰, 但是華府的政治大戲還在上演, 什麼民間疾苦早已抛在腦後, 我們看不到任何具體政府施政我們這些平民百姓只是無语問蒼天了。