大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/11

我見 我思 我聞
正當新冠疫情猖獗之時,许多美國企業正在南遷到德州,其中包括特斯拉在奧斯汀興建百億元的大車廠 ,馬斯克也將他創立的太空探索公司之太空發射站,設在德州南湾的南帕德島上, 他準備以徳州為基地為他事業之未來大幹一場。
惠普電腦公司最近已經把世界總部撤回到德州休斯敦, 領導世界金融服務市場的嘉信理財也把總部從舊金山轉到德州達拉斯近郊,和日本本田北美總部成為隣居。
綜合這些大企業南遷的原因 可能有許多因素, 其中最重要的是德州地大人稀,土地資源充沛,居住環境遠優於加州,同樣價格可以在德州購買湖邊別墅,尤其在新冠疫情時期,大多數人都想離開人口密集的都市, 轉到綠地成茵的郊區住宅。
德州沒有州所得稅, 也沒有諸如加州的工會組織,對企業是非常重要的選項。
正如德州招商官員們說得好,“ 我不在德州出生, 但我要儘快到德州來。”
Texas Welcomes New Business
Tesla’s Elon Musk decided to move his company to Texas and build a huge factory near Austin. His aerospace firm SpaceX’s Starship development has also moved to south Texas. Apple Inc. also has built a modern factory in Austin, Texas, to start the assembly line to make Apple iPhones. Hewlett-Packard also has just moved their headquarters to Spring, Texas. Nearby Houston, the world’s leading financial service company - Charles Schwab, has also set up their headquarters from San Francisco to Plano, Texas, where the Toyota Motor North America headquarters is also located.
Why do so many Fortune 500 companies like to move to Texas? The reason is very simple: Texas is a very large state with very cheap real estate prices. People can buy a lakeside villa in Texas with one-third the price they would have to pay in California.
Plus, Texas doesn’t have state income taxes or strong labor unions.
This is very important for any business that is trying to expand into the future.
As one Texan said, “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.”
While the pandemic is still attacking our nation, Texas may be that huge opportunity
that many are looking for.