大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/ 11
我見 我聞 我思
總統先生 這種下场值得嗎?
忠於川普的一群暴徒週三發動向國會大廈之攻擊, 造成五人死亡之悲劇, 雖然總統稍後也發表了譴責暴行之聲明, 這場悲劇不就是他教唆和希望的場景嗎,這是多么令人讽剌和可笑的事情呢?
事發之後 ,在巴黎法國總統馬克宏站在美國星條旗前以英語說:“我們相信我們民主制度之力量 ,我們相信美國民主制度的力量。” 德國總理梅克爾感到憤怒和悲傷 ,她把襲擊國會大厦事件毫不含糊地帰咎於川普, 此事件正充分说明西方世界對美國民主脆弱的擔憂。
雖然在事發後的五小時,參眾兩院繼續完成了拜登總統選舉人票之確定工作 ,但是國會山莊上演過的悚動畫面已觸痛了美國及西方社會的痛處。
川普在任近四年他以一個商人及局外人之身份直搗世界政治中心的華盛頓, 他以美國優先,美國第一非傳統之手段來向世界挑戰, 他不斷對民主法治公平選舉進行挑戰 ,即便是在總統大選之前, 他就撂話说可能不承認大選結果, 如果他輸了的話, 這簡直讓人難予相信此話出自於美國總統之口。
果真让他言中, 大選過後他就立即告訴支持者, 這是一次我們被騙的大選 ,從社群媒體及群眾大會不斷指稱這是一場舞弊之大選 ,雖然他史無前例的拒絕接受败選, 最令人不恥的是近三分之二的眾議員及數位參議員也加入了行列。
今天在眾議院將加緊對川普之弹劾案, 也同時希望副總統彭思動用憲法第二十五臨時條款把川普拉下台, 但是成功的可能性非常小。
攻擊國會大廈之後, 可以想像川普即便走出白宮 ,他也不可能罷休, 尤其是死忠支持他的川粉, 据說還要在元月十七日捲土重來。
政治觀察家們懷疑, 當天在國會駐守的警衛有放水之疑,為何萬人之警衛如此不堪一擊。
全國社群媒體已經把川普下架, 禁止他再發表煽動言論, 違害國家安全。
我們要問 ,川普總統,你的行為值得嗎 ?
Is This Worth It, Mr. President?
After the roils on Capitol Hill, last Wednesday President Macron of France, standing in front of an American flag declared in English that, “We believe in the strength of our democracies. We believe in the strength of American democracy.”
It was also clearly indicated that the mob of Trump loyalists in Washington, attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of American power, also posed a threat to all democracies.
In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was angry and sad. She also blamed President Trump.
“I deeply regret that since November, President Trump has not accepted that he lost, and did not do so again yesterday,” Ms. Merkel said. “He stoked uncertainties about the election outcome, and that created an atmosphere that made the events of last night possible.”
When the whole world was watching, armed protesters forced their way into the U.S. Capitol. If this can happen in the United States, it can happen anywhere. This is not merely a U.S. issue. It also shakes up the world and the rest of the democratic nations.
A peaceful transfer of power is the cornerstone of every democracy. This lesson was taught to the world by the U.S. today. It is a disgrace that Donald Trump has undermined the peaceful transfer of power by inciting violence and destruction.
On Capitol Hill, Democrats are prepared to move forward with impeaching Trump over his role in last week’s deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol if he doesn’t resign. The plan is to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate to delay the trial until after the early days of the Biden presidency to prevent Trump from holding office again.
Now that the Electoral vote count has been completed, Joe Biden is due to take the oath of office as president on January 20th, but Trump followers will not give up on their actions to disrupt the inauguration.
Now, in the wake of the violence at the Capitol and Mr. Trump’s increasing isolation within his own party and social media platforms, a path forward may be to sympathize with the grievances of the Trump-loving audience that will finally have to acknowledge its leader has fallen.
Today our nation is still facing a very serious challenge. When the Biden administration comes to power, we don’t believe that Trump will give up his power ambitions.
These are very sad days for all of us. Mr. President, is all this worth it for you?