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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 05/12

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 05/12

我見 我思 我聞


全國疫情正隨着多數人種植疫苗而獲得改善,各地也相繼全面開放,然而 包括華人餐館在內的亞裔餐飲業仍然面對寒冬




  1. 請求主流及華亞裔社區媒體多宣傳 撰寫介紹亞裔餐廳美食和特色

   2 . 全面以新媒體及餐廳介紹方式來宣傳,並請各大社團共同舉辦各種節日慶祝活動,諸如國慶、新年、聖誕、迎春,能在社區張燈結綵,引進觀光人潮。


  • 幫助餐廳主人向聯邦政府申報救助,尤其是拜登政府之経濟復甦方案,旨在協助紓困中小企業。


Asian Restaurants Need Help

Even though the pandemic is slowing down in our community and all over our nation, a lot of small businesses still are struggling, especially Asian restaurants.

In the last fourteen months since the coronavirus attacked our country, we all suffered and all the businesses slowed down. Many stores and businesses were force to close down, especially those small businesses owned by minorities. They couldn’t pay the rent or pay their employees.

Today this pandemic is almost over. How we can help the Asian restaurants is a big challenge.

We are working on contacting the mainstream media and newspapers as well as the Asian media to publish more articles about Asian businesses.

Community leaders need to come up with a plan for eating and dining at our Asian restaurants to help them get more customers.

In this tough time we also need to help all the small businesses get the federal assistance including PPP grants and other funding.

I was recently talking to Kenneth Li, Chairman of the Southwest District. We will team up together soon with the International District to assist some of these businesses with a  program.

We are so glad to know that a lot of people will be able soon to go back to their jobs. The whole nation is in recovery mode. We hope the best times will still be ahead of us.