大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/22

白宮宣布在六月底前將再向世界各國發送五亿支疫苗, 其中百分之七十五將由世界衛生組織發送,另外百分之二十五由美國政府直接送達。
老實說,此次疫情美國死亡人數是六十一萬人居世界之冠,如果不是疫苗之出現 ,後果令人難予想像。
世界各地的領袖們,這是你們要覺醒之时刻了, 病毒、 氣候變遷是人類的公敵, 前事不忘,後事之師, 我們要切記教訓,來拯救人類的生命。
The U.S. Will Share More Vaccine Around The World
President Biden announced a plan to distribute the remaining 500 million of 80 million COVID-19 vaccine doses that the U.S. has pledged to be allocated by the end of June. The White House said that 75% will be shared through the global vaccination program called COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, or COVAX, and the remaining 25% will be shared directly with countries in need.
Approximately 14 million doses will be distributed in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru.
And another 16 million doses will be distributed in Asia and sent to India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Taiwan and Cambodia. 10 million doses will go to Africa.
The doses will consist of vaccines from Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. AstraZeneca’s vaccine has not been approved by federal regulators.
We are so glad that the United States is helping to rescue so many countries from the pandemic. For many victims of this disaster, some of them are so helpless. Their governments just don’t have the vaccine to protect them.
The lesson we have learned from this pandemic is that no area and no country can escape from this horrible disaster.
All the countries and all the people need to be united to fight for survival.