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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/01

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 07/01

我見 我聞 我思


新冠病毒另一變種登塔正在席捲整個世界,尤其是亞洲各國正在拉緊發條, 防止此種新病毒帶來的混亂和恐慌。




我們要大聲呼吁在聯合國國際衛生組織之架構下,所有國家應該立即加強互助合作, 把多餘之疫苗配送到所需要的各个國家去。



我們也要在此向所有的慈善家、社會各界呼籲請大家伸出援手,這是我們大家生死存亡之時刻, 唯有疫苗才能阻止病毒,才能让大家重回正常之生活方式。

New Variant Is Attacking The Globe

Another new variant called Delta is claimed to be much more contagious than other variants, but Delta is not the first variant that has beat its predecessors and competitors in certain areas. The Alpha variant that first became dominant was discovered in Britain and the Gamma variant was first discovered in Brazil.

Delta is now the most common contagious variant in India and Britain, accounting for more than 90% of all new cases and now accounts for over 20 percent of all new cases in the United States.

New waves of infection are now sweeping through several countries in Asia. After the devastating outbreak in India, Malaysia now is in the spotlight of the pandemic.

Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam have been seeing more new cases than usual recently as well.

We urge all the nations to help each other. After all, we all live in the same global village.

This pandemic is telling us the story that no place can be immune from this terrible virus.

We need to work under the WHO’s leadership to support those poor countries to get more vaccine to protect their people.