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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/07

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 09/07

我見 我思 我聞

秋紅驚艷 時事令人悲傷

今晨推开窗外門窗,驟見後院樹叢中有些紅葉展现, 是秋天的腳步近了, 明月中秋即將來臨,多年來從未感受的心情顿时湧上心頭。

回溯近兩年之震盪時光,新冠病毒帶來的災難,我們有理由相信這不會是最後一次, 無論這種病毒起源於人畜共患突變或是來自試驗室, 它會越來越多。 每當午夜夢迴, 想到不久前才和他們閒聊的猶太人夫婦史蒂芬和芭布拉, 因不願打疫苗 ,史蒂芬因而撤手人間, 他大嗓門的笑聲,時時還在震動我的心靈, 難道生與死只是一缐之隔。

拜登總統說, 美國我們回來了, 真的嗎,從阿富汗之撤軍, 我們決心澈底放棄苦戰二十年的戰埸 ,毫不留情的離開了。

當疫情在世界各地肆虐之時, 诸如聯合國、世衛組織國際貨幣基金組織,在川普宣布退出世衛組織而各國無法協調,關閉機場紛紛封鎖邊境以求自保。 並且上演在機場搶救護衣的鬧劇,而美國只能座上旁觀, 我們失去了領導世界的基本能力。

今天我們面臨一個能為全世界疫苗接種的嚴重挑戰, 比三角洲病毒更有危險的毒株相繼出現, 已經危及全球更多的憂慮和困難。

秋葉已漸染紅大地, 此時此刻實在令人沮喪和凄涼。

Autumn Leaves And Future Crises

On Labor Day morning, I looked at my backyard with the red leaves hanging on the trees. This is the season of Autumn now and I felt kind of a deep sadness.

In the last two years the world has become more divided than ever. When COVID -19 first  hit, vaccines were the global issue. President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was the most successful one, but it was defined by the vaccine needs of the United States and not the whole world. Billions of people now will be forced to wait to get vaccinated until  2023 to receive just their first shot.

President Biden declared that, “America is back,” but what is returning? Just like recent events in Afghanistan, we are in total withdrawal and to clear the deck as far as the United States is concerned, the top agenda has to be the growing competition with China.

When we review the last two years, global institutions like the United Nations, the  World Health Organization and the International Monetary Fund could not work together during the crisis time especially without America getting involved.

It is very sad when I think about my dear friend Steve Levine passing away from COVID-19 without being vaccinated.

This is the season approaching Autumn again when I see so many colorful leaves that are changing color. This is the time we need to remember that whatever mistakes we may have made in the past that we too, can change.

We all hope that America is really back and that we can help the many suffering people around. the world.