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抗疫日記 3/26/2020 艱難時刻 美國加油

抗疫日記 3/26/2020  艱難時刻 美國加油

猶如往常一般,今天淸晨走進辦公室翻開今天剛出版的美南日報,抬頭觀看著美南電視及網站播出之新聞節目 ,心中有無限之感觸, 過去多少年來, 我們結合了眾多之工作夥伴,在新聞之崗位中奮戰了數十年,今天值此國家面臨艱困時期,我們所負有之社會責任猶為重大。

全球最富有的美國今天在國會通過了二千億之經濟救濟方案, 凡是年收入在七萬五千元以下之國民將會收到一千二百元現金補貼,上週全國申請失業救濟者已達到近四百萬元人, 紐約市今天因新冠病毒去世的已超過一百人,波士頓附近之各大醫院已有超過百位醫務人員確定感染。


                                       Help Is On The Way

 Every morning when I walked into my office, I pick up a fresh, new copy of our daily news paper, I go to our company’s website at scdaily.com and watch the news headlines on our Southern TV station.

As usual this morning, I followed my same daily routine, but my feelings were very different at this critical and challenging time in our nation’s history.

 The world’s richest country will now hand out checks to all citizens soon. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin introduced a 2 trillion dollar economic stimulus package at a news conference which will provide a jolt to the U.S. economy that is now reeling from the Coronavirus pandemic. Under the plan, individuals who earn $75,000.00 or less will get $1,200 ($2400 for a couple) and an additional $500 for each child (up to 3 children).

Unemployment claims in the U.S. have now climbed to 3.3 million last week pasting historic highs.

 At least 13 patients have died from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours at a New York hospital and more than 100 employees at Boston area hospitals have tested positive for the Coronavirus.

 With all the bad news, we are so happy and encouraged to see that members of the U.S. congress and senate from both parties are trying their best to save the country’s economy.