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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/22

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/22

文化饗宴 虎年賀詞 


過去兩年來的新冠疫情, 拉開了我們彼此的距離 ,但是我們的心却連接在一起, 逆境中激發了我們勇往直前的鬥志 ,患難中見証了彼此的真情。

這㘯世紀大災難, 還在考驗著我們的毅志和生存, 美南新聞在過去四十三中, 見証了世界的變化, 我們企盼久違的旭日陽光再次普照大地, 期盼虎年虎氣沖天,我們和各位一起在虎年大顕身手

我們謹以「春之聲」大型春節表演現場直播方式, 在美南電視演播廳向全球觀眾拜年。

站上新的旅程起點,幸福隨著陽光來到我們的身邊 ,祝福大家五虎臨門 ,如虎添翼。

Greetings Of The Lunar New Year Of The Tiger

On behalf of Southern News Group, I am here in Houston Texas, to bring Lunar New Year greetings to all our friends around the world. 

In the last two years the Covid-19 pandemic has kept the distance between all of us, but our hearts are always connected. 

Over the last forty-three years, we have been a part of a rapidly growing community and have witnessed many changes around the world. 

We are here to announce that we will host the “Voice of Spring,” a large-scale live TV show in Houston, Texas, to welcome the Lunar New Year of the Tiger.

We wish you all a very happy Lunar New Year with good health and great success.