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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/08

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/08


---- 他們對中華文化之熱愛


在這埸表現中, 我們這群海外華夏兒女配合了古典欒器及掀天的鑼鼓聲,給美國的鄉間老百姓帶來了虎年的祝福.

我要特別感謝參加演出及歌唱的表演者, 她們的舞姿和美妙音符, 傳達了我們都是一家人的信念

新冠疫情至今 全美各地已奪去了九十萬人之寶貴生命 據估計到三月一日為止 可能達到一百萬人的恐怖數字 病毒帶來的浩劫 難予令人想像 我們試問 這還是我們生活的美國嗎?

今天我們帶著忠心和谦誠之新春祝福 走訪到路易士安那的農村小鎭 穿過一望無際的農田和沼澤小龍蝦的盛產地 我們握住了一雙雙粗糙之手 當我遞出手中紅包並為她們帶上紅圍巾時 他們笑了 那和氣友善的笑臉 深植在我們心坎中 老實說這些平民老百姓 許多人連紐約都未去過 他們哪會關心身外之大事 包括中美兩國之貿易戰?他們關心的是疫情何時遠離 油價何時下降 飼料價格是否再繼續上升

我們非常遺憾的指出 長期生活在華府的政客們 他們對基層之民間疾苦根本置之不顧 每天在國會中之兩黨鬥爭 加上諸多媒體之偏頗誤導 打疫苗也成了法律紛爭 因此就造成百萬人喪生 其中大部分是拒絕打針的和貧窮的弱勢團體

我們老百姓已有非常厭惡政客的謊言 希望大家要清醒地把握你下一次的選票

在回程的途中 我們通過了貫串美國東西從佛羅里達州到加州的十號州際公路 並途我們早年唸硏究所的貝蒙市德州州立拉馬大學 這個美國德州首先發現石油的城市 風貌依舊 但已人事全非 只有把當時學生時代的美好記憶埋在心裏 明天太陽仍然升起 不論你的日暦上記下要做的大小事 我們一定要活在希望之中

We Gave Red Envelopes To Rural People In Louisiana --

They Love Chinese Ku Fung And Dances

The STV Art Troupe gave a very wonderful performance and good will trip to the state of Louisiana and brought good luck to them for the year of the Tiger.

I would like to especially thank the performers who did a beautiful job to bring the joy of the New Year to all of us.

Since the Covid-19 virus attacked us in over more than the last two years, 900,000 of our brothers and sisters have already lost their lives. It is estimated that we will lose a million lives by March of this year. The catastrophe brought by this virus is hard to imagine. Let’s question whether this is still the country in which we are living in?

Today with the New Year blessing, we visited a rural area in Louisiana to hold the hands of the people and give them lucky red envelopes just to express our care and blessing. The smiles of the people were deeply rooted in my mind. Do they care about what is going on between the U.S. and China trade war? They are more concerned about the price of gas and goods at the supermarket.

On the way back, we drove past Lamar University in Beaumont, the city where my wife and I spent a few years studying in graduate school. Many decades have passed away, but our memories are still very fresh.

Dear brothers and sisters, tomorrow the sun will still rise. No matter what you want to do, we must continue to live in hope.