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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/08

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/08


---- 他们对中华文化之热爱


在这埸表现中, 我们这群海外华夏儿女配合了古典欒器及掀天的锣鼓声,给美国的乡间老百姓带来了虎年的祝福.

我要特别感谢参加演出及歌唱的表演者, 她们的舞姿和美妙音符, 传达了我们都是一家人的信念

新冠疫情至今 全美各地已夺去了九十万人之宝贵生命 据估计到三月一日為止 可能达到一百万人的恐怖数字 病毒带来的浩劫 难予令人想像 我们试问 这还是我们生活的美国吗?

今天我们带着忠心和谦诚之新春祝福 走访到路易士安那的农村小鎭 穿过一望无际的农田和沼泽小龙虾的盛產地 我们握住了一双双粗糙之手 当我递出手中红包并為她们带上红围巾时 他们笑了 那和气友善的笑脸 深植在我们心坎中 老实说这些平民老百姓 许多人连纽约都未去过 他们哪会关心身外之大事 包括中美两国之贸易战?他们关心的是疫情何时远离 油价何时下降 饲料价格是否再继续上升

我们非常遗憾的指出 长期生活在华府的政客们 他们对基层之民间疾苦根本置之不顾 每天在国会中之两党斗争 加上诸多媒体之偏颇误导 打疫苗也成了法律纷争 因此就造成百万人丧生 其中大部分是拒绝打针的和贫穷的弱势团体

我们老百姓已有非常厌恶政客的谎言 希望大家要清醒地把握你下一次的选票

在回程的途中 我们通过了贯串美国东西从佛罗里达州到加州的十号州际公路 并途我们早年唸硏究所的贝蒙市德州州立拉马大学 这个美国德州首先发现石油的城市 风貌依旧 但已人事全非 只有把当时学生时代的美好记忆埋在心里 明天太阳仍然升起 不论你的日暦上记下要做的大小事 我们一定要活在希望之中

We Gave Red Envelopes To Rural People In Louisiana --

They Love Chinese Ku Fung And Dances

The STV Art Troupe gave a very wonderful performance and good will trip to the state of Louisiana and brought good luck to them for the year of the Tiger.

I would like to especially thank the performers who did a beautiful job to bring the joy of the New Year to all of us.

Since the Covid-19 virus attacked us in over more than the last two years, 900,000 of our brothers and sisters have already lost their lives. It is estimated that we will lose a million lives by March of this year. The catastrophe brought by this virus is hard to imagine. Let’s question whether this is still the country in which we are living in?

Today with the New Year blessing, we visited a rural area in Louisiana to hold the hands of the people and give them lucky red envelopes just to express our care and blessing. The smiles of the people were deeply rooted in my mind. Do they care about what is going on between the U.S. and China trade war? They are more concerned about the price of gas and goods at the supermarket.

On the way back, we drove past Lamar University in Beaumont, the city where my wife and I spent a few years studying in graduate school. Many decades have passed away, but our memories are still very fresh.

Dear brothers and sisters, tomorrow the sun will still rise. No matter what you want to do, we must continue to live in hope.