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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/10

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/10



籌辦在疫情中克復萬難的寶盛大酒店 今天上午在德州休斯敦醫學中心區盛大開幕 這家由中國大陸民營企業五百強之寶盛控股集團所投資的五星級飯店 正式敞开大門歡迎各方賓客

特納市長在开幕式上盛讃休斯敦華亞裔對本市經濟之重大貢獻 他回憶早年到中國訪問和招商的往事 證明中美民間交流之重要 他期盼這家有二百七十間華麗套房的五星級酒店將為本市帶來更多的國際旅客 並當場宣布二月八日是休斯敦寶盛大酒店日

休斯敦大商會會長哈威斯也在開幕式上發表了熱情漾溢的祝賀詞 他認為寶盛酒店將為來訪休城之觀光客及醫療中心創造更多的商機

值此中美兩國關係日漸冷却之時 寶盛酒店之開幕 將有幫於雙方民間之交流 我們始終認為 旅遊 觀光 體育活動是建立各國促進友誼最佳之途徑

在北京的冬奧運動會 選手們的競技和比賽 那種激情 歡呼和笑聲 為全球帶來了和平之氛圍我們且把政治鬥爭擱在一邊吧

Blossom Hotel Is Open In Houston

The luxury hotel built by the Blossom hotel chain opened yesterday in the Houston Medical Center. This five-star hotel was invested into by one of the top 500 private companies in China.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was there to deliver his welcome message and showed his appreciation to Houston’s Chinese Americans for their great contributions to the City of Houston. He recalled his visit to China and he later brought many investors to the city. He also announced that February 8th will be officially recognized as Blossom Hotel Day in Houston, Texas.

Bob Harvey, President of the Houston Greater Partnership also delivered a warm message. He said that he believes the Blossom Hotel will help to bring more tourists and business to Houston.

At a time when the relationship between China and the U.S. is having a very difficult time, we all hope this project will be very important to promote our people-to-people relationship.

While the Beijing Winter Olympics are still being held with the games still ongoing, we hope and would really like the games to bring more cheers and laughter to the whole world.

We are here to congratulate and welcome the Blossom Hotel to the heart of the city of Houston.