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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/15

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/15


最近在福斯電視台之新聞短片中播出一些惡客走進舊金山市內的商店 大搖大擺地把架子上的物品裝到預備好的大袋中 又大搖大擺地走出來 沒有人阻擋他們 等到警察來時 他們已經逃之夭夭 這種塲景真令人難予置信 這還是美國嗎

民主黨執政的加州議會立法凡是對於偷竊搶刧不超過九百五十元不算犯罪 這是二〇一四年加州公投第四十七號提案有百分之五十八州民贊成

在洛杉磯街頭越來越多的遊民佔領了整個街道市政府也他們隨地搭蓬為家 似乎也束手無策 這座世界影城變成了垃圾遍地

老實說 我們目前面對的是社會問題 政府的福利政策是在養懶人 救濟失業金容易拿到 我們又何必再回去工作

在馬路上討錢的人 多半是四肢健全甚至是夫妻搭檔 他們難道就是社會的寄生蟲嗎

我們十分担心 由于治安敗壞社會矛盾越來越大 貧富差距擴大 我們已經是生活在兩個不同世界了

Our Society Is Really Sick Now

Recently we watched a group of people in San Francisco walk into a drug store and take several items off the shelves, drop them into the bags they were carrying and then simply walk away. No one stopped them. When the police arrived, they had fled.

According to California law, theft is not a crime when a person steals or robs less than $950 dollars, which was a law passed in a bill supported by fifty-eight percent of the voters in 2014.

We are seeing more homeless on the streets of California cities. They have set up tents all over many cities. The situation seems helpless from the cities’ local governments.

To be honest, we are currently facing very serious social problems now. The government’s welfare program is very easy to get. The people don’t want to get back to work.

We saw a lot of strong men on the street begging for money. Most of them should go back to work.

If the situation does not change, we are facing two societies: the rich and the poor, and we will end up living in two different worlds.