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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思02/28

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思02/28

我見 我思 


當俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭時 拜登總統稱他是侵畧者 並於上週五下達對普京个人之制裁 這項嚴厲之行動是前所未見 對另一個國家元首之制裁

烏克蘭事件正處於混亂未定之局面 雖然雙方將下来進行談判 但是俄羅斯方面已經對美國及西方世界發出警告 並做出核武之动員準備 這項行動意在恫赫以美國為首的國家不要軽易參戰 在普京眼中 他認定美國國內兩黨政見分歧 問題重重 自顧不暇 無暇顧及對付俄羅斯之挑戰

冷凍三尺非一日之寒 自蘇聯解體後 普丁執政近四分之一世紀 無時無刻不在為重整國威為己任 當年離散之聯邦國紛紛走散而成為西方盟國 如今要再來對付當年的老夫 這口氣怎麼吐得下

不論烏克蘭前途如何發展 可以預見之將來美俄兩個極有斷交之可能 如果你把一個國家元首置於制裁不相往來之情況下 斷交也是必然的下一步 倘若如此 世界重回冷戰是必然的

我們期盼俄烏兩國之外交談判能找到解決之方案 但是 看來決非易事 我們希望拜登總統和普京要以最大的智慧來解決問題 如果不幸引起核战 他不但是歷史罪人更是世界之災難了

The Confrontation Between Biden And Putin

After Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden called Putin an invader and imposed personal sanctions on him last Friday. This harsh action of imposing sanctions on another head of state was unprecedented.

Ukraine is now in a chaotic and uncertain situation. Although the two sides sat down for negotiations, Russia has warned the western world and made preparations for nuclear weapons activity. This action is intended to intimidate the United States and western allies and not to interfere in Ukraine’s affairs. In Putin’s eyes, the U.S. is having many domestic political and economic issues these days.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin has been in power for almost a quarter of a century. Over the last several years, many former Soviet member countries have joined NATO and the European Union and they now represent a threat to Russia’s security.

No matter what the future of Ukraine will be, we can foresee that the relationship between the U.S. and Russia will only get worse. There is a great possibility that the two countries will completely sever diplomatic relationships, effectively returning the world to the Cold War era.

We look forward to finding a solution to the diplomatic negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, but it looks like that by no means will be easy.

We also hope that President Biden and President Putin will solve the problem with the greatest wisdom to avoid war.