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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0312

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0312



參加了一位老友的第二春婚宴, 席上高朋滿座 餐廳𥚃人潮洶湧 座無稀席 過去疫情的隱憂似乎已一掃而空 事實上真的如此嗎

我們十分慶幸生活在美國 雖然油價飛漲 但和在戰亂中之烏克蘭我們是何等幸運

在婚宴同桌上的華人同胞 ,都是早年來美求學又再把自己的青春貢獻給了美國而入了美籍 ,他們不但事業有成 住在富人區 開賓士 ,戴名錶 ,可以開上豪華休閒車到處游山玩水 ,享受晚年退休生活 然而在他們的談話中仍然不忘故國舊事以及童年時之美好回憶

鳥克蘭之战爭正在说明了什麼是強權 ,什麼是國家民族之争論 普丁從蘇聯冷戰時代和美國平起平坐時代走出來 ,他一直視烏克蘭為他的故土 包括文化傳統 豈能容忍他變成北約對付他的敵人 這股民族大義成為他攻打收復烏克蘭的正當理由

今日台灣海峽兩岸正在進行前所未有之軍事和心理戰 ,民進黨之去中國化政策是最大的隱憂 烏克蘭和俄羅斯之戰 ,值得深思 我們一貫主張 決不願看到戰爭把兩岸城市變為灰燼 ,乃民族之大不幸也

The Worries Of Ordinary People

We attended a friend’s wedding party last night. I met many old friends at the banquet. The restaurant was very crowded. It seemed like the people are not really worried about the Covid-19 pandemic anymore.

Compared with the war in Ukraine, we are so lucky. We live in America even though the oil prices are soaring.

I sat with many Chinese Americans at the party. Most of them came to this country and finished their Master or Doctor degrees and devoted their whole lives to this land and became American citizens. They have enjoyed successful careers and now live rich lifestyles, traveling to the mountains and oceans, wearing famous watches, driving luxury cars and enjoying their retirement in old age. But they still talk about their old days back in their hometowns.

The war in Ukraine represents the ambitions of Russia’s President Putin who wants to take back his old land that used to be a part of the Soviet Union. How could he ever   tolerate NATO using Ukraine against Russia?

Today the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are undergoing military and mental conflict. The ruling party of Taiwan DPP’s Chinese policy is the biggest concern. We have always advocated that we will never want to see a war between the Taiwan Strait ruin the cities into ashes which is a great misfortune of the world.