大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0404

上週日在休斯敦西北區的追悼會, 近千位楊家驊先生的摯友、 同學、 同事、 社團代表向這位社區領袖及志工告別 ,從大家在告別式上的肺服之言, 導出他數十年來對社會之貢獻, 他一生助人為樂, 熱心公益。
生長在文革時期 ,就如他夫人季家鳯教授所言,一家人靠些醬油佐餐度日 ,那是多麼令人心酸而流涙的時代, 他們夫妻憑着堅強的毅力,從高考 讀研到留學美國, 為他們的人生創建了另一個春天。
對於知青的過去 ,美南新聞及電視曾經不斷報導過,他們那些可歌可泣下鄉下海的感人故事 ,八十 年代自從中國大陸改革開放以來 ,大批精英到了美國 ,把他們最好的年華和知識貢獻給了美國 ,但是他們對華夏文化及故郷情仍然非常懷念, 今天我們生活在這塊土地上, 同是華夏民族的後裔, 相互扶持和幫助 ,是我們多年來從事媒體事業之主旨。
美南新聞曾経舉辦無數大小社區活動, 從過去二十五年來的新春遊園會, 嵩山少林寺武術表演, 慶祝二次大戰結束七十週年大會, 以及各華人社團表演活動, 都會看到這位掛着笑容在台前台後搬道具、 協調演出, 甚至清理現場 ,他能彎下腰來做些別人不願屈就的事, 正是他服務人群偉大志工的表現。
楊家驊兄在他七十多年的歲月中, 有了陪伴他半世紀的伴侶季教授, 並培養了知書達理的孩子, 學業及事業也很圆滿 ,事實上,他最大的貢獻是成為一位真正的志工 ,為他週圍的人群發光發熱 ,他是我們的表率, 更是志工的楷模。
A Model Of Volunteering
Tribute To Brother Yang Jiahua
At the memorial service in northwest Houston, almost one thousand of Mr. Yang’s friends, classmates, colleagues and community leaders said goodbye to him. From all the words spoken at the farewell ceremony, all the speakers emphasized how much Mr. Yang contributed to our community and praised his lifelong enthusiasm for the public welfare.
Growing up during the Chinese cultural revolution period, as his wife Professor JK said in her book, the family lived on soy sauce to accompany meals which was so sad to hear, but both of them worked hard and passed their exams and went on to college and finally came to America where together they created their second spring time. Our newspaper and TV have consistently reported on their touching story.
Over the last several years, Southern News Group has held countless community events including celebrations of the Lunar New Year and the 70th Anniversary of the End of World II, as well as many cultural performance activities of the many ethnic groups in our community. We always saw Mr. Yang helping to coordinate the show, moving chairs with a smiling face. He was just the greatest volunteer
In his more than seventy years of life, Brother Yang was very fortunate to spend more
than one-half century with his lovely wife and have a very outstanding son. He is not only just successful in his career, but most importantly, he is a real volunteer for our community.