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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0416

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0416

穆斯林齋月 劝人行

我和休斯敦領事外交團應邀參加了德州地區穆斯林齋月活動 一千餘人聚集一堂 為即將到來的節日做準備 為他們這個偉大吉祥和尊貴的月份 也是真主安拉將古蘭経下降給穆罕默德聖人的月份

歷経一千四百多年之演變 開齋節已經成為信仰伊斯蘭教各民族的傳統文化節日 今年的開斎節自四月十九日開始為期三十天 回教徒在這時期內從日出至日落嚴格禁食 不吃飯不喝水克制私慾 自身贖罪 激發對貧窮者之同情心施善 敬拜讀経

我們非常慶幸生活在這個種族溶合之大家庭 多少世界移民來到美國 都以吃苦耐勞之精神創業並極力教育下一代成為社會之中堅份子 參加开斎節大會上 有許多地方首長大學校長都是笫二代移民 他們的表現非常儏出

宗教總是勸人為善 生活在美國的三億多人口许多都是虔誠之宗教信徒 他們在自己社區建造教會寺廟都被授予許多免稅優惠 最主要的還是一股宗教信仰之約束力 為社會公義和平帶來非常大的影響

Ramadan Month of Mercy

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar observed by Muslims worldwide as the month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. People pray to Allah and do extra good deeds during this time.

During Ramadan the people fast with patience. Fasting also helps people to be thankful for all the blessings we have. Fasting teaches the people to have patience not to be angry. We need to be nice to people and care for one another.

I was invited to a big Ramadan event sponsored by local community leaders at the Sugar Land Marriott hotel. More than one thousand people and members of the Consular Corp were in attendance.

We should be very grateful that we came to this land from all over the world. We brought our own culture and religion to practice the way we like. The most important thing is that our next generation will still keep their traditional language and culture.

We believe that religion is a very important moral power for our nation. No matter what religion you may follow, religious beliefs always want you to be good man. This kind of power can really keep many people from committing crimes.

Fasting is also a shared experience between Muslims and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood. Overall, it benefits our bodies and the society as a whole.