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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0511

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 0511


拜登總統表示如何抑制物價是他目前最重要的內政問題 根據最新數據 上月通物膨脹又再度超過百分之八 是四十年來的最糟數字

白宮目前正在評估從前總統川普時期開始就實施對進口中國大陸貨品之關稅 從嬰兜尿布衣物傢俱因關稅而不斷上漲

川普當初是希望以加徵關稅之手段來增加美國制造以代替中國制造之產品 但是是實得其反

我們認為對中國大陸之貿易戰 不是通物膨脹之唯一禍首 其他更有俄鳥戰事及疫情還在不斷蔓延 因此這是80年代以來全國物價高漲最嚴重的時期

西德州石油今天漲到一百三十元 小麥價格是近年來最高 由于戰爭因素 影響了百分之二十五全世界之產量

我們要再度呼籲政府必須立即拿出妥善之方法來解決老百姓之苦境 根據民調 全國超過六成之家庭現金存款都不超過一千美元 換言之大部份人都在過著寅吃卯糧之借貸生活 全國汽油價格平均到了四塊三毛 食品疏菜上漲三成 嬰兒奶粉缺貨 可謂一片悽涼

對於富人而言 這些價格只是個數字 對貧苦大眾而言 是遭受嚴重的生活壓力

我們相信 拜登總統首先取消對中國制造產品之特別關稅 是非常明智之舉 大家進入大賣場 所見到的哪一樣產品不是中國制造 不管我們是否喜歡這已經是事實

華府執政諸公還是請你們以關懐蒼生為重 國際政治 外交政策 權謀都離平民老百姓太遠了餐桌上是否有食物才是大家最關心的事

White House Is Reviewing Tariffs Imposed Against China

President Biden is considering dropping some of the tariffs imposed on Chinese imports to help control the rising consumer prices in the U.S. Wall Street reported another rise in the inflation rate to 8%.

The White House is reviewing the penalties imposed under former President Trump which includes everything from diapers, clothing and furniture. Many economists said that easing or removing the tariffs entirely is a major step available to the government to pull every lever available to ease rising prices. President Biden also believes that Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine have caused prices in the U.S. to jump at their fastest pace since the early 1980’s.

The West Texas crude oil price went up to $130 per barrel and the price of wheat has gone up 25%. Average families just can’t afford the higher gas prices.

We would like to once again appeal to President Biden  and stress that the government needs to immediately come up with appropriate ways to solve the problem. According to surveys, more than 60% of American families don’t even have a $1,000 dollar cash reserve. How can they afford to buy food and milk when the prices are so high?

We believe it is very wise to reduce the tariffs on Chinese products. It is true that when you walk into all the markets, most of the products are made in China. No matter if you like it or not, that is the reality.

For a lot of ordinary citizens, especially those low income families, the most worrisome issue today is how to put food on the table.

Mr. President, we need to act now, otherwise, it will be too late.