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社評0617 拜登總統考慮削減對華關稅

社評0617  拜登總統考慮削減對華關稅


拜登總統正在權衡是否要取消部分川普時代對中國大陸商品之進口關稅 以抑制目前高達百分之八點六之通貨膨脹

財政部長耶倫週二接見了全國零售聯合會代表 該協會一直主張取消關稅以減輕消費者之購買壓力

全美不斷上漲之油價和基本食物消費品 耗盡了中下層家庭之收入 也導致拜登支持率之下降 如果不及時採取行動 將會變成期中選舉之重大打擊

根據一項調查顯示 如果取消對華之關稅 將為每一個美國家庭省下近八百美元 這項措施應該是目前最有效之方法

美國商會及一些專家呼籲白宮盡速行動 但是白宮幕僚諸如貿易代表戴錤白宮安全顧問持不同之意見 她們認為這是拑制中國大陸之最佳手段

美國股市連續見底 聯準會不斷升息 經濟衰退可能已經難免

我們要呼籲拜登總統必須採取緊急措施 來解救民間疾苦乃是上上之策

在歷史上之總統大選 如果經濟一蹶不振 對選舉將是致命之打擊

President Biden Considers Cutting Tariffs On China

President Biden is weighing whether to cancel some Trump-Era import tariffs on mainland Chinese goods to curb inflation as high as 8.6 %.

Treasury Secretary Larry Summers met with the representative for the National Retail Federation on Tuesday, a group which has been advocating the elimination of tariffs to reduce the purchasing pressure on consumers.

Rising oil prices and consumer goods in the United States have depleted the income of the lower and middle classes which means a major blow to the midterm election.

According to a survey, if the tariffs on China were abolished, it will save close to $800 dollars for every family in the U.S. This is the most effective method available at the  present time. The American Chamber of Commerce called on the White House to take the action, but some cabinet members are against it.

Because the stock market has bottomed out continuously, the Federal Reserve in response continues to raise the interest rate. Maybe the recession is not inevitable.

We are urging President Biden to take urgent measures to save the nation.