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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0629 德州移民悲劇再次上演

社評 0629 德州移民悲劇再次上演


德州聖安東尼市郊區附近 週一下午發現一輛大型貨車 車內有四十六具被燜死的屍體及十六名幸存者其中包括孩童在內 根據調查 他們是企圖從墨西哥逃到美國的移民 此不幸事件可能是近年來傷亡最嚴重的一次



德州州長艾伯特在一項聲明中把事發後之責任歸咎於拜登總統 並寫道這是他致命的開放邊境政策的結果展示他拒絕執法的致命後果

非常遺憾 非法移民問題一直是美國國內政治議題之焦點 自從民主黨執政以來 越過美墨邊境之移民已經在激增中

共和黨籍的德州州長艾伯特一向對於非法移民採取強硬之對策 主張全面建造高牆 就地遣返非法越過邊界之移民 他們認為這些移民不但搶走國人的工作 许多還是毒犯流氓之徒

對民主黨而言 拉丁裔是他們主要之票源 民主黨比較同情弱勢團體 主張以人道主義對待非法移民 因此在拜登執政後立即停止建牆並對非法移民局部開放 因而有更多人挺而走險越過邊境

我們始終認為 這是一個人道危機 也更是多少年來始終無解之難題 處於美國後院的墨西哥及中南美洲各國 経濟及政治多半處於不安之情況 國民們視逃往美國實現美國夢 是他們的最大願望 不惜代價要用不同方式逃亡 因而釀成悲劇

我們認為 週邊墨西哥及許多國家之經濟倘若無法改善尋求美國夢的逃亡者仍會持續 人间悲劇也無落幕

Horrific Human Tragedy In Texas

At least 46 people were found dead Monday afternoon in a semi truck near San Antonio, Texas. The mayor called it, “a horrific human tragedy” not seen in recent history.

Three people are in police custody and authorities are trying to find out if they are connected to a human trafficking case.

12 adults and four children were taken to medical facilities. Those found alive are suffering from heat stroke and exhaustion. High temperatures have been over 100 degrees in the San Antonio area. There was no sign of water in the refrigerated semi tractor trailer and there was no air conditioning unit.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on social media, “I am heartbroken by the tragic loss of life today and am praying for those still fighting for their lives. Far too many lives have been lost as individuals, including families, women and children took this dangerous journey.”

It’s a pity that the issue of the immigrants has always been the focus of domestic political issues in the United States. Since the Democratic party came to power, immigrants have been surging across the U.S.- Mexico border. 

The Republican Party has always taken a tough response to the immigrant problem, advocating the comprehensive construction of the border wall.

President Biden has been more sympathetic to immigrant groups. He stopped the building of the wall on the border.

We believe this is a humanitarian crisis and it has been an unsolved problem for many years in our own backyard. Most nations are facing economic difficulty and many citizens regard it as their greatest wish to flee to the United States looking for the American dream. Unless the situation in our neighboring countries is improved, the tragedies will not end.