社評0701 最高法院首位女性大法官就職

布朗積克遜女士週四宣誓就任美國最高法院大法官, 是美國歷史上首任黑人女性出任此最高法院職務, 是司法史上的新頁 ,也是當前最高法院遭到許多質疑之時由一位民主黨派的少數族裔加入了高院行列。
五十一歲的稹克遜法官在宣誓時表示, 她將極力承擔責任來保護美國憲法,並以大無畏之精神來執行憲法之公正性。
她在四月份參院表決時以五十三對四十七票驚險通過任命, 共和黨指責她對犯罪案之判決太過鬆懈, 而民主黨讃掦維護公平正義。
一九七 o年出生在首都華盛頓,一直以資優生進入哈佛大學攻讀 ,她曾経在聯邦地方法院服務多年, 並撰文支持對白宮展開司法調查。
這位黑人女大法官表示, 她的父母生長在黑白種族隔離之年代 ,黑人小孩是不能和白人共處的, 但是她的父母教導她必須要苦幹 ,這個偉大的國家任何事情都是可能的, 多少年後 一名黑人小孩成為了最高法院大法官。
我們也同感欣喜稹克遜大法官之成就為成千上萬的少數族裔樹立了重要之榜樣, 也再次印證我們的社會雖然有諸多不仁不義及不公平 ,但是還是充滿著出人頭地之機會。
First Black Woman Joins The U.S. Supreme Court
Fifty-one-year-old Ketanji Brown Jackson was sworn in Thursday as an Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court which makes her the first Black woman to become a judge in the highest court in the nation.
In her statement, Jackson said, “With a full heart, I accept the solemn responsibility of supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and administering justice without fear or favor.”
She was confirmed with a vote of 53-47 in the Senate after a series of hearings where republicans said she was too soft on crime.
Born in Washington, D.C. in 1970, Jackson was raised in Miami and later went to Harvard Law School.
As a district judge she wrote a 2019 opinion siding with House lawmakers who sought the testimony of then-White House Counsel Don McGahn.
Jackson also said her parents grew up in the time in this country in which Black children and white children were not allowed to go to school together. But she said that her parents taught her the importance of hard work and told her that, “Anything is possible in this great country.”
Jackson also said, “I am standing on the shoulders of my own role model generation of Americans who never had anything close to this kind of opportunity, but who got up every day and went to work believing in the promise of America.”
Quoting the late poet, Maya Angelou, she said, “I do so now while bringing the gifts my ancestors gave. I am the dream and the hope of the slave.”
We are so glad and proud that Judge Jackson sets the role model for all of our minority community’s young people. If you work hard, good things will be possible in your future.