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社評0716 世界真亂

社評0716   世界真亂


正在以色列訪问的拜登總統表示 美國不排除使用武力作為針對伊朗擁有核武器之手段 這也充分表達對以色列之支持

今天世界各地被政治動盪物價上漲及俄烏戰事之困境 可說是世界真亂 我們分析其原因 首先是新冠疫情對世界経濟帶來的巨大沖擊 許多貧困國家無法得到充分之疫苗及起碼之公衛服務 至今仍難控制 新的病毒不斷出現 公衛專家窮於應付

第二個重要的原因就是俄羅斯對烏克蘭發動戰爭 這是令人非常不能原諒和瞭解之事 也許當初俄羅斯是想在最短期內攻佔烏克蘭 但是 從二月下旬開戰以來 不但沒有得到預期之勝算 而充分暴露了自己之弱點 並打亂了國際秩序

第三個原因是國際多邊關係之破裂 全球化之体系可能就會結束 中美兩大國之關係也面臨最嚴峻之考驗

我們希望不要回到冷戰時代 世界如此之亂 沒有一個國家和地區能夠幸免

The World Is Really Chaotic Now

President Biden who is visiting Israel said that the United States does not rule out the use of force against Iran as a means of preventing their possession of nuclear weapons which fully expressed the U.S. support for Israel.

Today there is chaos around the world for so many reasons. First of all, the Covid-19 pandemic has deeply affected the world's economy. Many poor countries still can’t get enough vaccine to prevent the virus and operate with only minimum public health services. It is very difficult to prevent new viruses and they still continue to appear.

The second reason is that Russia has launched an all out war against Ukraine which is very unforgivable. Since February, the war is still going on. Millions of refugees and people throughout the region are suffering greatly. All the countries around the world are in chaos because of the war.

The third reason is the total breakdown of international multilateral relations. Globalization has come to an end. The relationship between the U.S. and China has entered into the worst period of time in recent history and we don’t see any bright spot in the near future.

It is very sad that we might return to the Cold War again.