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社評 0801 舊金山猴天花進入緊急狀態

社評 0801  舊金山猴天花進入緊急狀態


舊金山市長倫敦布里宣佈 該市之猴天花症將進入緊急狀態 並正等待聯邦政府配送之疫苗

舊金山市將從今天開始動員所有資源來宣導猴天花已經在此地區流行 市長布里表示 猴天花己経在男人之間性行為中流傳 截止目前為止 在全美四十六州及波多利各已經有四千九百零七個病例 第一個病例是在五月中旬發現

加州共有七百九十九例居全國之冠而舊金山因有許多同性戀者 已經有二百八十一人染上也是全國城市中之首位

市長抱怨聯邦政府送來的疫苗遠遠不夠保護我們同性戀社區 她希望拜登總統加強對疫苗之重視 以防止大批之傳染 她更希望緊急狀態之宣佈 有助於引起公眾之注意

老實說 我們面對新冠疫情之戰鬥還未中止 又來了猴天花 根據世衛組織之宣稱 猴天花症已經全面威脅世界各地如果不早採取防範措施 後果將不堪設想

今天的世界也真亂 不但経濟面臨挑戰 俄烏戰事未決 中美又在台海較量 天災人禍 疾病頻傳真是世事难料。

San Francisco Declares A Monkeypox Emergency

San Francisco mayor London Breed declared the city’s monkeypox emergency and tried to remove bureaucratic obstacles that have slowed efforts to stymie the disease’s spread as they wait for a vaccine from the federal government.

The mayor took action and mobilized resources to accelerate emergency planning and coordinate all city agencies as well as establish permit reimbursements from state and federal governments while raising awareness about the serious situation the city now faces.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46 states and Puerto Rico and DC have reported 4,907 cases. The first case was diagnosed on May 15.

With 799 cases in California, there are now a total of 281 cases in the San Francisco area.

As the declaration was being made, the city was still short by 35,000 vaccine doses to take care of the whole community.

The Biden administration has reserved 7 million more doses to be delivered over the entire nation.

We feel very worried about this monkeypox problem. This will be another issue for our health professionals to battle while we are still fighting to control covid-19.

WHO (the World Health Organization) has announced the monkeypox problem that we are all now facing. As a world problem, we urge all nations to help and take early steps to solve the problem before it becomes even more serious.