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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0922 我們的憤怒和呐喊

社評0922  我們的憤怒和呐喊



十一月份的中期選舉正在熱烈展開之中 民主和共和兩黨候選人開始把他們的宣傳標語插到我們社區街坊之各角落 一場政治爭奪戰即將上演

當疫情於三年多前席捲全國之時 我們社區之中小企業遭受嚴重之沖擊 許多小生意人也因此倒下去了 一直到拜登執政對華亞裔企業支援有限 時至今日只見樓梯響 未見人下來

今天我們遭通貨膨脹和物價高漲 主要原因是政府開支不斷激增 赤字上升猛印鈔票 而俄烏戰事更是造成供應鍊大亂 歐洲將進入前所未有之能源危機 和中國之關係正在全面破裂 台海情勢惡化這些危機是造成世界不安寧之原因

我們要再次呼籲華亞裔社區人士 一定要在此時登記投票 表達我們積極參政之意願 決不能再做一個局外人了

昨天我們把印刷工廠借給柯克郡長拍攝了一個競選廣告 事後他一直稱讚我們對社區之貢獻 事實上 我們也真是當之無愧吧

We Need To Stand Up

The midterm elections in November are coming. Democratic and Republican candidates have begun to insert their posters in all corners of our community. A political battle is about to begin.

When the pandemic swept across the country more than three years ago, all of the businesses suffered a serious impact and many of them fell down. Until President Biden came to power, support for our community was limited.

Today we are suffering from inflation and high prices mainly due to the continuous surge in government spending, rising deficits and the printing of more currency, while the war in Ukraine caused worldwide chaos in the supply chains.

This winter the world will face a very serious energy shortage. The deterioration of the U.S. and China relationship has also caused many challenges.

We should once again call on our community to register and vote at this time to express our anger and actively participate in the political process.

Yesterday Commissioner Jack Cagle came to our press room and showed us his political ad. After that, he praised our contributions to the community. In fact, we feel we really deserve it.